View Full Version : I'm a newbie!!

15-08-09, 00:34
hello everyone,

I came across this site as I was looking up pulled muscle symptoms... lol..

I have previously suffered from Post Natal Depression and anxiety disorder and still suffer with Panic Attacks on a regular basis. I gave birth to my 3rd chld 4weeks ago and I am now suffering with what I feel is the beginnings of PND again.

Today I've been feeling really dizzy and early evening started feeling discomfort in my chest towards left side and went into panic mode thinking I was heading for a heart attack... I panic more because I'm alone with my children and they are all 3 or under and I don't want to leave my children on their own if something was to happen to me!!

The pain has got worse through the night and I've been convincing myself that it's just a "pulled muscle".... as I've been carrying a 10lb baby around and my other 2 children I'm just thinking its that... but there is the other part of me thats thinking is there something wrong with my heart...is it a blood clot or something!!

I dont know why I frighten myself like this and I can't really remember when it all started (with the anxiety) as I was such a carefree happy go lucky girl 5years ago!! Maybe it was becoming a mum?!! I'm not sure!!

I don't know whether I've got the live like this forever or will it ever go away??!

But I hope this site will help out and I can learn some more and maybe help a few people out by some of my experiences!!

thank you for reading

lou xx

15-08-09, 14:01
hi there!!
i am new to this site to i am so glad that there is other people in the same boat as me to!
i feel the exact same as u even i still dont belive that there is ohter people feeling this way!!
it all started with me about two months ago, i thought i was having a heart attack in the middle of the nite!!! i was so so scared like u i have kids and the thought that i was not going to be with them made it worse!! i went to my gp and he checked my heart and stuff and said it was all fine but i still dont belive it!! so a couple of weeks later i went back i got meds so i am just going to see how i get on!! like u i was a fun outgoing girl and i will be again i am sure i will be
take care x x

15-08-09, 14:41
Hi there
Have you seen your GP? Remember, your body has went through a lot and this problem can be hormonal.
Good luck & take care

Veronica H
15-08-09, 18:46
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found us. This is a friendly place with great support.
