View Full Version : I have a lower leg hematoma and now I am convinced it will clot and I'll die :(

15-08-09, 02:05
I kicked my bf in the shin playing foot ball about 2 weeks ago or..well trying to play football lol and I walloped him a cracker..needless to say I got the brunt of it and my lower shin near my ankle bruised..

But yeah..this was two weeks ago and it didnt improve..so I went today..

xrays etc..no bones broken that they can see and they came to the conclusion I have a hematoma. and to rest etc..gave me crutches which have done me no justice! I fell out them five mins out the hospital! But I know hematoma is to do with o blood collection and now I am convinced that cos I had it for 2 weeks not knowing that its gonnae spread or something and it will clot and I will die.

As I type this I am lying peeking over my quilt and chest in bed with laptop on stomach with legs in the air(in a non dirty manner ofcourse) on loads of pillows..

Just when I thought I was getting over my cancer worries..I think Its gonnae be bruises and clots now :'(

Someone tell me am I ok? xxxxxxxx

15-08-09, 04:34
your be fine dont worry
wish you better

15-08-09, 10:28
You're ok :) I had a big hematoma on my leg once and they gave me heparin cream to make it go down quicker? Maybe ask your doc for some, you're not in any danger of a clot, but if it will make you feel better for the bruise to go down quicker the cream is worth it.