View Full Version : Allergies anyone?

15-08-09, 03:43
Does anyone have any really bad allergies? Kinda freakin' a little. About a month and a 1.2 ago, I ate some veggies with salsa (broccolli, carrotts and celery). Right away my tummy hurt, felt like crap for the next hour & 1/2 then I have to go #2 really bad. While going #2 (yes-I know-sorry) I started itching serverly on mt scalp, privates and my lips went very tingly and burning. Then my ears got bright red, then some hives started (hardly anything-just on little patch on wrist) and some wheezing. Went into dr about 3-4 hrs after this all happened and wheezing stopped wehn I got there.
So today, I had celery again, and right away my back of my tongue felt weird, 5 minutes later and got 2 bumps that started to swell on my tongue, then a little bump on the corner of my lip.
Then I talk to our basic "nurse" but not at work which is very blunt, and she brought up anaphyliatic. Which is a sevre reaction that can be fatal. I looked up the symptons, and it is identical from what happened before.
ANyone have/had this? I am kinda of worried. I did make an appt with my GP for this wednesday, but would like advise before hand. How serious is this?

16-08-09, 04:29
anyone, pleasE?

16-08-09, 11:41

First things first, it definitely sounds like you have an allergy of some sort but I'm not sure if I would put it in the category where you may suffer an anaphyllactic shock.
I have extreme allergies to fish and shellfish so avoid them completely, I also have medication to take should I inadvertantly eat anything with fish in it.
I am also allergic to certain types of cheeses, particularly "blue" cheeses like Stilton, if I eat them I have a reaction similar to yours. Not life threatening but not very pleasant either!
Have a word with your GP but it seems the most obvious thing to do in the meantime is to avoid celery as that seems to be the culprit.
You haven't mentioned whether you have asthma or eczema but these often go hand in hand with allergic reactions. Whatever the case, it is probably a good idea to have some antihistamine like Piriton at home as it is good at treating mild allergies.
good luck!

16-08-09, 17:19
Thank you thank you thank you ladybird! That helps me alot! Parinoia gets the best of us!