View Full Version : Left Arm Pain

15-08-09, 10:42
Hi im new to the boards, im terrible and have been googling which is not a good idea i don't think.

I have a pain in my left arm it keep aching and generaly feels weird, im terrified im going to die of a heart attack or stroke, ive been crying and so upset since Wednesday. I also suffer from Agoraphobia so cant even have tests if i needed to :weep: i have a phone appointment on Monday with a gp, my own gp has told me i have nothing wrong with my heart but i don't believe him :weep: im in such a mess with worry i cant do anything but keep thinking about it. Please Help

15-08-09, 17:23
You must try to believe your Dr. When you use the word 'aching' that is describing more of a muscular pain I think. Have you been doing anything out of the ordinary, like carrying stuff or reaching/stretching to do anything? May even be coming from your neck muscles...mine does sometimes. You could try an Ibuprofen muscle ointment or something similar and see if it helps. X

15-08-09, 17:36
no ive not done anything at all :( it just feels strange and it tingles every now and again, the other thing ive done is sit here on the pc and i do have a habit of putting my left arm on the nest and resting my head on my hand if you know what i mean. Im terrified so much.

Thank you for your kind repy xx

16-08-09, 01:37
As had already been said, listen to your GP.

It is just your anxiety over this making it worse. You even hint at what might really be causing it in the way you sit at your pc. It is very common to get aches and pains with poor and prolonged posture at a pc. Shouldn't really sit at them for more than an hour at a time. I carry out DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Assessments and it would surprise you how many people complain about headaches, strains, pains, tensions and all types of aches and anxieties that are directly atributed to poor posture or prolonged use of a pc work station

It is nothing more sinister than that so try not to worry

16-08-09, 10:00
thanks for your reply's ive woken this morning and my chest hurts but im ok now, so maybe i slept funny, i cant wait for tomorrow to get her so i can speak to my gp im terrified of it all arrgghhhhh why me? xx

16-08-09, 14:14
I suffer with this alot & get the chest pain to, its horrible, i've been to my Gp who has said its Anxiety, i'm a community care worker & find when i get put in a difficult situation (a couple of my clients have alzheimers) so sometimes things can be a little tempermental it tends to set me off, when i walk back to my car i try to distract myself by humming or whistling, then sit for a couple of minutes in the car till i calm down, i bet the neighbours think i'm nuts :D
I also find reading similar stories on here helps me alot, when ever i need abit of reassurance i have a nosey through the forum, it makes you feel like your not alone, not the only one that suffers, it really helped me when i first started with Anxiety & panic attacks as i had no idea what was happening to me Big :yesyes:, i'd be lost without this site :)

16-08-09, 16:07
Awwww thanks Shelber, i keep coming back to check :) i know im ok deep down, i think i have gotten myself into such a state that even when i lay down now it hurts :weep: i have CBT at 9.15am tomorrow at home, and then i will speak to the doctor about it, i know what she will say but if i tell her then i might feel better iynwim :huh: Ive had it since wednesday is it normal to have it for so long? :bighug1:

17-08-09, 12:05
Well ive spoken to the doctor and she thinks its a trapped nerve but she is sending a lovely doctor to see me just to make sure im ok and at least it should put my mind at rest fingers crossed. She is coming between 2 and 4 im abit anxious waiting :ohmy: :) :bighug1:

17-08-09, 14:00
you sound like me and its hard to get out of worrying once you start, just be reassured by the doc and try to relax. Or youll end up like me worrying about every health issue (I have had it all). Also on another note if you are every unsure about your health get it checked out cause its no harm and atleast if you have something you can get it treated.

17-08-09, 14:14
My left arm is abolutely killing me at the moment, too - i'm not worried about heart disease, but bone cancer - utterly ridiculous. I think I either have RSI from using my laptop or a trapped nerve as well (doc reckoned one of these two as well). do let me know how you get on and I'll tell you how I get on! I have been given Naproxen (or omething) - a horribly strong anti inflammatory, which I am too nervous to take - ridiculous isn't it? However, the pain is too great not to take them...
hope all goes well and keep us updated!

17-08-09, 14:30
Hi Seeker, i know what your saying, the doctor has been she was quite new and young and so lovely, really made me feel so much better, she sat and chatted to me, didnt rush me, i explained i was terrified i was going to die etc, i told the pain was horrible and it hurt, she did lots of tests pushing etc, she listened to my heart said it was beating fine etc, my pulse was only 90 which is good for me as its always around that level and i was anxious, she done my blood pressure said it was up a little but not dangerous, she was amazing, she said at my age 27 i had nothing to worry about, and that even though i was over weight 15st 4 if anyone wants to know lol i was still not at risk. I do feel so much better, she also said that if im worried at any time to call them and there more than happy to come and see me, how lovely she was.

Let me know how you get on Seeker. xx

17-08-09, 18:56
OMG im terrified still, it hurts so much now in my back and my neck aches ive taken a Diazepam to try and calm down, i cant think right im still thinking im going to die :( PLEASE HELP ME

17-08-09, 19:58
Anyone Please???

17-08-09, 20:53
You've had the doc visit and saying nothing is wrong, try to remember that. If they thought something was up they'd have told you :)

17-08-09, 20:57
im really trying hard i know your right but its just so painful :weep:

17-08-09, 21:00
Hi cupcake

You are going to be fine. I get this quite often, it's the way I sit at the comp + when I get tense, I got allsorts of aches & pains everywhere. I know the 'heart' thing is a big issue, it is with me as well, so I know that you are scared & needing reassurance. I can assure you that quite a lot of people get this & if you do a search here on the forum, you will find posts that are quite similar to yours.

The doctor who came out to see you would know if there was anything wrong with you. I have left arm pain, funny chest & back pain at the moment, so I know how scarey it is. Please try, while you're feeling so anxious, to take your mind off it, play some games, do something to try & stop yourself from worrying. You really are ok honestly.


17-08-09, 22:05
Hey Els, we have the same Avator lol its fab love it. Im alot calmer now, i did some scrapbooking as i love crafting it helps me so much. Im just trying really hard to ignore the pain it will go away soon im sure

Thanks so much for your kind words xxxx :bighug1:

17-08-09, 22:24
Try having a nice soak in the bath, that can help relieve muscle pain, either that or try some heat/ice packs on the area too.

17-08-09, 23:03
Hi cupcake

So glad you are feeling better. Now it's my turn............fast heart rate again omg how can I reassure others but cannot reassure myself.........retorical question I suppose:blush:

I change my avator on a regular basis.....lol. Need to have some variation in my life:blush: :blush:

http://www.simplenomics.com/wp-images/courage.jpg:) :noangel:

17-08-09, 23:33
Ok its my turn to help you, I find deep breaths really help, i also use a paper bag some times as i feel this helps to. You are OK i promise open a window as its warm where i am in the east and maybe get a nice drink of cold water. Think to yourself THIS WILL PASS and my heart is having a work out its good for it as i was told today :bighug1: :bighug1:

17-08-09, 23:46
Thanks cupcake. Heart rate has gone down now but have tingles in left hand & on left side of neck etc..............God, I just hate this stupid stupid stupid health anxiety:ohmy: :ohmy: Wish I could just shrug my shoulders & say "so what":winks: :winks:

I have all windows open, it is very warm here. I am in East too, Suffolk here.


18-08-09, 00:00
OMG im in suffolk to, if you dont mind me asking where in suffolk are you?

My heart rate is always between 80-100 what is yours? xx

18-08-09, 00:12

I'm in Ipswich:)

My heart rate is the same as yours except when I'm having a panic attack or one of these what I just had, been having them 4-5 months now, heart races out of the blue for now apparent reason, it always goes down, but I daren't go to drs:blush: :blush:

18-08-09, 07:28
Oh im Near Lowestoft :D Same part of the woods though lol. I would say at a guess hun your heart rate pumps away like mine does when the anxiety hits you, sometimes it happens and we don't even realise its happening. Also they say cut out caffeine and smoking can do it etc. I quit smoking 4 years go and i don't have any caffeine.

Im still anxious this morning, ive woken with pains all over the place, but i think well i have been really up tight for a week, and scared to death so i think im going to feel kinda ruff now really.

Maybe if you saw your GP it would help hun, they might be able to put your mind at rest??

Katy :bighug1: