View Full Version : HA such a powerful thing!

15-08-09, 13:01
As you know I have been having some good days, more energy getting out, eating etc. Then today, it comes back (well not as bad) but my whole body hurts!

Not sure if the thought of my son going away for two weeks with his Dad and having money worries has made an impact but I could not sleep last night as my mind was going overtime.

Now my HA is doing overtime for a change, surely I can not be seriously ill as I would not have felt better this week!

Dont you wish you could flick a switch and turn the HA off?

Sharon x

16-08-09, 07:53
I'm sure we all wish that. Although, would ever turn it "on"? lol ;)

17-08-09, 17:32
No I dont think we would. Spent the day at the beach today very relaxing and even walked there which was 10 mins and back up a very steep hill. Big acheivement for me and my body.....ache no though but feel happy for doing it.

18-08-09, 20:39
Going to docs tomorrow for review and check up etc. Was meant to be next week but I had to re-arrange as I am going away for a week. (more rest)

I am a bit more positive and have been to the beach yesterday and today doing lots of walking etc.

If I could just get rid of the painful legs and arms especially at night it would be even better.

Small steps I keep saying to myself.......