View Full Version : not good

05-10-05, 12:58
sorry to moan but iam feeling really bad today ,ive got bats in my tummy and i feel so paniky.cant stop shaking .i need to talk to someone

05-10-05, 13:12
Hi Mazz

Snap I feel exactly the same my head feels like it is going to blow up with pressure as well just had to take half a diazapem, try to distract yourself, I am going through books and doing some xmas ordering and doing my breathing at the same time. Feel free to PM me

Barb xxxx

05-10-05, 14:32
Hi Mazz.
It must be in the air lately, i feel exactly the same!! As Barb says try any type of distraction, i always come on here when i feel grotty (as everyone will tell you) take care, keep in touch.

05-10-05, 16:19
Hi Mazz,

Sorry I wasn't around earlier, I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I am more than happy to chat if you want to at any point, just let me know.

Take care of yourself,

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

05-10-05, 16:59

I too feel like that
My hearts pounding in my stomach and my head is thudding too.
Must be the weather for it!!
Hope you are feeling better now

Take care
Hunny x

05-10-05, 17:09
Hey Mazz,

Sorry you are having a bad day, Sorry i was busy earlier - typical one time i am actually doing something!

Hope your day improved,

Will talk to you soon

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

05-10-05, 18:48
Hi Mazz

Sorry to hear you are feeling low today.

I agree with Hunny - it's the weather - give me bright skies and sunshine - always helps to improve your mood.

Hope you have managed to distract yourself today and that things have improved slightly.

If not, try a nice warm bath and bubbles to relax yourself - If you have some candles light them too! Relaxing thoughts and all that.

Try to believe in yourself - this is just a blip, think positive, the feelings will subside and hopefully you will feel brighter tomorrow!

Sending you lots of positive rays of sunshine.

Elaine XX :D:D