View Full Version : jumping

15-08-09, 14:13
as many of you are no doubt bored of hearing i am very worried about ms, and cannot stop looking up symptoms on the net. I have not been to bad these last few days but it is always there nagging away in the back of my mind, I have noticed for a while now whilst i am lying in bed trying to drop off to sleep my hand or my finger will jump. Sometimes i am awake could this be part of benign fasiculation syndrome as i do twitch all over. I have looked up mycolonus could it be that? according to google and wike encyopedia it can be a sign of ms or parkinsons. Does anybody else do this, any replys would be appreciated.

thanks :weep: :weep: :weep:

15-08-09, 19:54
Me and my husband both do this! My hand will be resting on the pillow and then from the wrist it jerks up - I was worried about this too and I too worry I have MS - but my husband does it too - in fact as he is about to drop off to sleep he twitches all over - he is not at all worried he has any illness. I dont think it's anything to do with any illness I just think it's your body shutting down for sleep.

I think I saw you write another thread about looking up symptoms on the net - dont do it - I keep a diary of all my MS worries now and I have noticed that the times I get most upset are the times I have been googling symptoms. And not only that, but I also develop symptoms I have read about - it's awful. I know how you are feeling - it's really hard to get a grip of this.

15-08-09, 20:32
i know that when you are drifting off it is normal but sometimes i think i am actually awake its really bizare,

16-08-09, 09:18
I definitley do it when I am awake - a lot of the time it stops me from being calm enough to fall asleep. But I also know that I cannot think about these illnesses all day and feel worried about them ALL the time without it having some physical effect on my body (I know it is easy to say this - not easy to feel this) - mind and body are so closely linked. But I know you will never get better if you carry on googling symptoms - it will only fuel your fear. :flowers:

16-08-09, 09:27
i know you are right, logically i do. But when you get into the mind set of panic all rational thoughts dissapear. Im going out for the day today and for 1 day im just going to ignore all twitches and wierd sensations, Hope you to can get the help and feel better soon xx

16-08-09, 11:26
when my sister went through a bad patch of nerves ,,,she used to jerk so violently at times her hubby slept in the other room,,,its just your so highly strung all day,,that when your starting to relax all that energys gotta go someplace

16-08-09, 13:55
both my husband and I do this when falling asleep - and I noticed my little sons do it too sometimes. So at least you know this is 'normal' - try not to worry about this!