View Full Version : does anybody...

15-08-09, 14:24
suffer from general anxiety with a fear of failure? I went to the doctor today to discuss CBT. He said it seems im scared of failure, of being vulnerable and of turning out like my mother(who has suffered from GAD and alcohol addiction).

Do you think that GAD's roots can be found in the fear of failure, and the uncomfortable feeling of being vulnerable. I never really thought of that until today...

15-08-09, 14:38
All anxiety is fed by fear - it is that sense of fear that keeps us the way we are. This is easy to say on a good day but not on a bad - it seems so simple to see how easy it is to not be afraid but when you begin to feel anxious again you automatically feel fearful again. Try to talk positively to youself - 'I am not afraid of failing', I am not vunerable', 'I will not continue to have GAD'..... Try Dr Claire Weekes books on downloads available from the NMP shop on-line,
Good luck & take care - you will beat this - we all do sometime....