View Full Version : back on tamiflu

15-08-09, 17:39
well this morning i woke up with a blocked nose and sore throat i just put it down to alot of stress but its got worse cant breath reyt well and my body just aches and joints hurt
iv got a little cough and they have decided more tamiflu for me
i dont no weather this is swine flu or not but i have abit of diarrhea too not too bad though and odd stomach ache it cant be a stomach bug can it

16-08-09, 09:54
I've found the symptoms seem to come back too. One day I feel fine, then the next I'm sneezing and coughing again. I've also had a really bad bout of diarhoea and nausea and I lived on rice and yoghurt for a few days, but it's gone now. I've been ill for over 10 days now. I think it just takes time and you need to rest and treat the symptoms with medication until you get stronger.

16-08-09, 10:49
Ermm with this strain of flu, as it hasn't mutated, you should only get it once then you should be immune to that strain, so either your first bout wasn't or this one isn't, unless you didn't completely recover, but that's a rare chance i'd guess.

16-08-09, 11:08
as i put on your other post , mine keeps feeling like its come back, i have two or three days where im ok,,,then i have another where i wake achy bloked nose, sore throat,,,just really tired and reluctant to even move,,,i think where we get run down easy,,,a little of the flu remains,tomorrow you might have a much better day

17-08-09, 19:08
I agree. When I rest I feel fine but as soon as I do something physical or go to work I start to feel ill again. I wish someone could tell us how long to expect this to last. The anxiety about it means I feel even worse.

18-08-09, 04:01
If you're getting symptoms beyond the usual 5-7 day period, its possible that there is a secondary infection that needs treating.

Also, in the case of viral infections such as influenza (e.g. swine flu), sometimes you can get what is known as post-viral syndrome, which is basically fatigue. Add to that, with influenza, you can have something called post-viral cough, which can last for several weeks - though it is not harmful.

18-08-09, 05:46
Some people have told me they've taken as much as 4 weeks to recover completely.
Maybe we're just expecting too much too soon.

20-08-09, 16:25
I've got the same problem as Becky000 - I feel OK when I'm not doing anything but if I go out for long or try and work for very long I feel ill/tired again. I've been off work for nearly 2 weeks now and it's quite frustrating as most people seem to get over it more quickly.

20-08-09, 16:38
3 of us at work have been diagnosed with swine flu. 1 of them took tamiflu and 2 of us decided not too as we arnt 100% sure thats what it is. Anyway us that havnt taken it seem to be getting better as quickly as the one who has. My friend took it and she said she felt ill for about 3 weeks and her grandaughter didnt and was better in about 7 days so i wonder if tamiflu adds to the fatigue thing

20-08-09, 16:57
i didnt take it ,,i was too scared too,,and im still having odd days of feeling rough im on week three,,just some people i think take longer,,plus if you live on your nerves which most of us do,,your immune systems not as good to begin with

20-08-09, 21:13
Hi Sweetypie
Tamiflu is known to have some side effects, particularly nausea and upset stomach so it could well be effects from that. Also they do say that that swine flu itself can cause an upset stomach.
Hope you feel better soon!