View Full Version : Bad Morning !!!!!!!!!!!

05-10-05, 14:16
OH MY!!! I just can't handle this waking up in the middle of the night (early morning) with these PA's.
I was about 4am and all of a sudden I woke up with sore arms and pins and needles I couldn't catch my breath and I was shaking so bad. I was trying to talk myself out of it but it didn't work this time. I was awake until almost 5:30am ...Ugh and I am so tired now!

I never had PA's so bad it would wake me up....Could it be the meds doing that?
I am just feeling very down in the dumps today :(


05-10-05, 14:22
Hi there,
Sorry you are having a rough time right now, i have been exactly the same recently (i posted about it yesterday) I, personally, have not got a grip with it just yet (i will though) so i can't advise you. What i did do last night was read through lots of old posts/messages on this forum written by people who had been through the same thing, i found it re-assuring. Once again i'm sorry i'm not much use at present, but you are not alone.xxxxxxxxxxxx

05-10-05, 14:40
Sorry to hear you had a bad night. You pulled through it though and you can keep going. Stay strong and remember you're not alone and you will have good days as well as the bad.

Thinking of you[:I]

Jem xxx

05-10-05, 16:14
Hi Terri,

Sorry you had a bad night. I suffer with panic attacks at night quite a lot. How are you feeling now?

Mine got a lot worse during sleep when I was on medication. What are you taking if you don't mind me asking? How long have you been on them?

Take care,


"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

06-10-05, 01:04
Hi again Terri
Sorry to hear you're not having a good time of it.I've been on Lexapro (same as you ) for 4 weeks now and wasn't doing too well either.
2 days ago my Dr upped the dose from 5mg to 10mg and I'm feeling better already.
How much are you on?

Don't believe everything you think

06-10-05, 07:33
hi terri

i also get the pa's in the night but i mainly get them when ive allready woke up and been awake for about 5 - 10 mins. but they can happen to me anytime during the night while im sleeping and they wake me with a pounding heart and all the other usual symptoms but my gp refuses to put me on medication she ahs refered me to see a CBT but cant get in until after xmas or even the begining of 2006.

take care


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

06-10-05, 09:54
Nothing like a panic attack at 3:30 am (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2701)
Sudden nighttime attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24)
Waking Up With A Panic Attack In The Night (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5211)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-10-05, 12:44
Having never been on meds myself, I'm ignorant about them. Why do you think the meds are causing the PAs? Aren't the meds supposed to help them?

Sorry you're feeling bad. Are you better today?