View Full Version : hi im a newbie

15-08-09, 23:37
hi everyone, im new to this sie and dont really know what im supposed to say about myself. my husband is on ciltalipram and i am his support he really wants to lower his dose but is so frightend of his anxiety coming back that he wont take the chance its hard for me as i want him to be happy and off the citalipram for him not me and as much as i need advice from you all as to what sort of side effect he will have etc i also need some support for me as i get some really bad days of depresion myself but i need to be strong for him.

16-08-09, 00:27
Hi Iceangel

I was on citalopram about 18 months ago for depression and my GP weaned me off them after 6 months. I had no side-effects and felt on top of the world for 6 months. Then I took GAD and severe depression and have been on cipralex for 6+ months and am still not better. I wish I had to do over again and I would've stayed on them for a lot longer as there would have been less chance of a relapse. If you had thyroid problems you'd take a pill - well this is as real an illness so what's the difference. I worry about my husband as he's so strong for me and I don't know if the shoe was on the other foot if I'd cope as well. I feel that coming on here and talking about your problems gives you the support that you need. Feel free to pm me if you want to sound off or just chat......
Take care of yourself too - pamper yourself - it's really important to make time for you as you are caring for hubby. Good luck

16-08-09, 11:12
Hi AND :welcome: TO NMP .you will get lots of help and support here.There is a forum on medication & a subforum for
Citalopram ,Im sure you will get all the info you need to help your husband there .All the best Sue :hugs: x

magpie girl
16-08-09, 19:33
hello :D im glad you finally joined the site.you will get all the help support and advice you need here as everyone is a friendly bunch.plus i can now tell you when to get the kettle on lol:D