View Full Version : Things I miss

05-10-05, 15:10
Today I've been thinking a lot about things I miss, the things I used to have before this anxiety started back in March. I thought I'd share them and I'd be happy to hear yours as well...

Thinking about "mundane" things and not anxiety
Sleeping through the night / waking up refreshed
Being able to work without procrastinating over everything
Making my wife laugh and smile
Feeling relaxed and chilled out
Being able to make decisions about little things without worrying myself to death over them
Smiling and laughing freely without the constant tinge of anxiety
Being asked how I am and saying "OK, thanks" and meaning it

There are probably more but those immediately spring to mind. I've been in Citalopram as a desperate measure (10mg for 4 weeks now) to no effect. I guess it is time to up the dose. I am 7 months into this nightmare now and in some ways I feel more resigned to things now... I care less about feeling bad, and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing - it feels a bit like I care less about myself. I have worked very very hard on getting better but it is still there and now I just sit and wait to feel better. Perhaps time is the only healer... perhaps this is just a wave to be sat on until it passes... I'm not going anywhere so I guess we'll find out at some point.

be well,

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

05-10-05, 16:22
Hi Gareth
Im sure what you say will ring true with so many people,certainly does with me.
Hugs,Hunny xx

05-10-05, 16:51
Hi Gareth,

I can certainly relate to those feelings. I am hoping that it will start returning to normal as we get better, well, if it doesn't there isn't a lot of hope, is there?! LOL... No, I am sure it will start coming back to you as you recover.

Good luck and take care,

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

05-10-05, 17:11
i no the feeling
my mum told be to be proud the other day cos i was uncomfortable going into a shop and i did it but i dont want going into a shop to be an issue i want to drive along thinking about clothes or gossip not trying to remain sane
still we will all get our old selves back we were not born like this so there is absolutely no reason why we should stay like this
just hope it falls back to normal soon LOL

05-10-05, 17:13
Hey Gareth,

I also relate entirely!

I also miss all that, but look forward to getting back to that point in my life.

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

05-10-05, 18:19
I totally agree with you on this one..

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

05-10-05, 21:57
Yes I agree to and to not worry so much over things and to be care free and take each day as it comes. Wouldn't that be great.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

06-10-05, 00:15
I miss me moaning about people pushing in the q at shops
i miss the buzz of the pubs
I miss the petty picking in the staffroom
I miss going to the pictures(although I went a couple of weeks ago)
I miss the indian restaurant
i miss sitting in a room with a door closed
I miss sitting in a room away from the door
I miss riding comfortably in other peoples cars
I miss sitting in other peoples houses socialising
i miss organising the works night out
BUT I am so much better than last year at this time when I couldnt care less if I was missing these things or not I
