View Full Version : End of my tether....

16-08-09, 02:55
I think we're probably not meant to post things like this on here, but as my title says, i think i have reached the end of my tether.
I think my time has come to just leave the earth, my mum gave me a really hard time today, saying i dont try hard enough and i should just ignore my fear and it'll go away, that its simple.
I can almost literally feel my heart break everytime i see a photo of someone outside, everytime i watch my boyfriend walk down my driveway, it hurts me, to watch everyone pass me by.

So incase i act upon this, which i think its highly probbale, as i have no real reason to stay behind, i wanted to thank you all for your continuing help and support, and to say i admire the way in which you all cope so much better than i have.
But unfortunatly, i just can't do it im not strong enough and im not worth living

16-08-09, 03:35
:lac: you honestly should not think like that, no dis-respect to your mum but you need support and alot of it, i have been anxious for seven years, suffered some really scarey panic attacks but seriously you can do it,
anxiety feeds of negative thinking, honestly there have been times in all of us on this site where giving up seems easier but its not, or all where left to do is hide from the world,
:hugs:look if you need some advise or just someone to talk to just send me a message, looks to me like you got no-one who understands how much this can get you down
just some friendly advise from a friend

16-08-09, 09:54
please think about this , your mum has upset you with her insensitive remarks mine has also on many occasions, do you think its because people just dont understand it all and relly believe that if she gets down your back you will get better. I realise now that it was because she was worried she said these things. Ring the samaratains or make an appointment to see your g.p and tell them what you are thinking about. There are times i have felt like giving up , but things can and do get better. pm me any time but please dont be hasty


16-08-09, 11:20
listen hun,,,ive been exactly where you are,,,i know what your thinking,,and yes its hard to watch people going about their lives,,,i used to overlook peoples gardens and watch them play with their kids have bbqs and think why them, why cant i be like that,,what did i do wrong,,,the answer was id done nothing wrong ,,,we are just warm loving people who care about things too much,,something that others think oh thats a shame ,,hurts us deeply,,like your mums words,,,you can get through this,,,if you need help hollar any of us will be here,,,for you,remember getting better is one little step at a time,,