View Full Version : from nowhere

16-08-09, 04:43
i am in the middle of having my 3rd major panic attack i have had hundreds of minor ones over the last year but only 3 major trying desperatly to distract myself by coming on here i never seem to have any warning when this will happen just come from nowhere. so scared and trying to stop myself from going to the hosp can hardly move cos of pains in my chest soooo scared of dying! pins and needles in my hans and neck tryin to control my breathing and stop myself from being sick i know it will get worse it always does i always read p a only last for about 10 mins when i have a major one its at least a hour can cope with everything p a throw at me apart from the chest pains and the terror want to go to hosp so badly but i cant physically get out of bed scared of moving just in case this is a heart attack and i collapse I DONT WANT TO DIE how can i stop feeling like this why do i feel like this felt great a hour ago is it normal to go so long without having a p a then have such a major one and when will i know the difference between panic and a heart attack could it be angina i had a ecg in oct 08 and it was fine kept in hosp though to have blood tests to make sure i wasnt havin a heart attack came back i had low white cells they thought i had an infection sorry to ramble i just need some reassurance i m not having a heartattack or angina attack sorry. christine

16-08-09, 05:43
Now here is the good news. Most people do survive a heart attack. My brother had one 7-8 weeks or so ago and he is back driving and being his cheeky self again.

Since you have had an ecg you can at least tick heart problems off your fear list.

You are having the classic but uncomfortable signs of a panic attack which most of us then link to dying but YOU ARE NOT DYING. Feels like it but your NOT dying.

Moving or not moving is not going to affect you in anyway and by not not moving your just feeding the attack.

Most attacks last 10 or so mins but yes they can go on for a bit and the reason behind that is we are thinking about it toooooooooooooo much. last week I cycled into town while having a panic attack, heart racing etc but here I am

You will be ok

sometimes just playing a game on here helps...give it a try

16-08-09, 07:16
thanks for pm kev just wish i could switch these fears off and get some rest thanks for making me feel a bit better .christine .

16-08-09, 17:59

Have you discussed with your GP about going on to medication for a short period to try and get you out of this cycle?

I was put on Diazepam for short time by my GP (even though I really didn't like the idea) to prove to me that it was anxiety related. It did the job and broke the cycle.