View Full Version : Sinus or stress?

16-08-09, 12:03
I am not feeling myself right now, so much is upseting me and I can feel myself slipping into a place I don't want to be again:weep:

My husband was made redundant in April, it has put a huge strain on my marriage, the house is being decorated so thats an even bigger stress if you don't like mess:winks: , 3 children who have all been ill and are still nto 100%, I am not finding time to do my uni work and my mum turned on me last week for no reason, which I am so upset about... I could go on:weep:

2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with swine flu, I had a fever, headache, really bunged up nose, achy legs and tiredness. I hardly ate for 4 days and now feel I can't eat much at all, appetite has gone:weep: My cold felt much better after a week, now it is just like i have a stuffy nose. When I blow it is totally clear, when I do a sinus rinse up my nose (I have had sinus probs in the past) it is clear what comes out of me but has the odd bit of yellow/green, today though the rinse was clear.

This morning I woke up with a heavy forehead, my husband thinks ive a tension headache, but im worried coz my nose feels stuffy, when I blow though nothing comes out? just now and again abit of clear. I was told by GP 2 weeks ago that I didn't have sinusitis because I had no facial pain when touched and no green ozzing from my nose. I have no fever now either, so is it unlikely to be sinusitis? worrying it is and I am leaving it and will end up with a complication such as meningitis (too much sinusitis googling in the past).

Does this all sound like tension or could i have sinusitis without a fever and ozzing green from my nose?

I feel exhausted and so worried:weep:

16-08-09, 13:52
It sounds like you are stress and feeling a bit under the weather still - so sorry! I feel that way often - heavy headachy head and a bit coldy but never seems to turn into anything. A year ago I had a constant pressure headache and was convinced I must have a sinus infection. It turned out to be my neck! I've had it worked on often 1x/wk by a physical therapist and that has really kept the headaches away. Perhaps this won't help but thought I'd try. Much luck and get well soon, xo

16-08-09, 15:38
Thanks, i just feel so drained, tired and my headaches today/(

16-08-09, 15:52
Hi Aimee,
just give yourself a bit more time to recover from the flu you had, it sounds pretty nasty. I had the flu a few months ago and it took me absolutely ages to really get over it i was coughing for weeks and imagining i had all kinds of things than all of a sudden my cough disappeared. Try not to worry give yourself more time you sound like you have also had alot of stress lately and that deffinately doesnt help with illness. take care