View Full Version : Can A Panic Attack Last For Days?

16-08-09, 12:48
Im getting really worried that i had a major panic attack 4 days ago now & i still feel really ill with it now,most peolpe always say that most panic attacks only normaly last up to about an hour & im still getting some really bad physical symptoms from days ago,im sooooo worried incase theres something else wrong with me,i feel sick & dizzy all day long & keep getting a sudden rush of something hot going right through my body,feels like im on fire instead & cant stop sweating,i just donr understand how this can have lasted up till now,will some one please reply as im worried & scared out of my mind

16-08-09, 14:48
Panic attacks put a lot of stress (no pun intended) on the body, and they tend to really accentuate the negative physical symptoms of anxiety even after the attack passes.
i've had panic attacks where i felt my chest tightening and my thoughts racing and when it was over i still got bodily reminders of it every once in a while for a few days, i think it's normal. The best thing to do would be, i think, to try as best you can to do something really relaxing and not to worry about what's wrong with you, because in all likeliness its nothing BUT the worrying.
I've also felt the dizzy sick feeling all day before, and i'm sure its attributable to anxiety. flashes of heat are also common, though i've had them only once or twice.
I was extremely anxious two nights ago when i was drinking pretty heavily, and that definitely carried over into my hangover the next day, and i woke up this morning even still tired and feeling fairly awful, and i know it has to do with the anxiety i've been having
so let's both relax and feel better soon :)

16-08-09, 15:18
I have even been told "don't be silly Panic does not last very long"":weep:
BUT think about it (i have for years and years and..) the panic attack is just that an immediate terrifying attack what carries on is the anxiety - the fear of another attack - the fear of wondering ""what the heck just happened to me?????""
And i must say that is just my opinion..:blush:
Based on years of health fears and panic attacks.
Hope this helps.
There is a very good book called It is not all in your head well worth a read.
Plus Claire Weeks very good info.
Best wishes

16-08-09, 15:59
Hi there
yes this can happen because your nerves have become very sensitized to every emotion and feeling. This is so awful as i once had this and i know it isnt nice all i can suggest to you is that you try going for a walk, reading, just anything to try to relax yourself and take your mind away from your thoughts. The more you think about it the more sensitized you become of every feeling..it will go away believe me you will be fine. Goodluck.

16-08-09, 16:16
I agree mine have lasted over a week before, because i was terrified of them happening again and again so i got into a cycle of worry which in turn make it worse and worse. I try and distract myself the best i can, i know its hard as im going through it again right now :weep: :bighug1: to you. xx

16-08-09, 16:50
Its because we get in such an anxius state after a panic attack our anxiety is so intense it makes us feel ill. I felt like it for about a month after a several bad attacks, I didnt feel like I was viewing the world normally, Like I was trapped in a bubble. I was dizzy and felt so ill. Once my medication kicked in and I gave it time, I started to feel better. I am still having days where I feel ill through anxiety but nowherenear as bad as a month or two ago.

17-08-09, 09:45
what carries on is the anxiety - the fear of another attack - the fear of wondering ""what the heck just happened to me?????""

oh yes... and then some. Most of my anxiety/panics etc are purely a fear of having a another panic attack. What I fear most is the fear itself.

17-08-09, 19:40
Yes, it's the high anxiety that keeps going. I am so frightenend of the horrible feelings and symptoms. Every day I worry about feeling the same the next day before I even get there.....I know i'm bringing the feelings on by doing that but I can't seem to get out of the loop:ohmy: .

17-08-09, 22:01
hi =]

in my experience , panic attacks can leave you feeling ill for days and even weeks after. I think it might be the fear of getting another one as bad as the previous, and also, a panic attack puts alot of strain on the body, both mentally and physically(which leaves me so so tired).

Take care and try not to dwell on the past( like i do!)


17-08-09, 23:35
I also suffer where I have multiple panic attacks a day and in between feel so scared of what just happened and when the next may happen that they feel never ending.

20-08-09, 11:34
When I went to London for 2 days I had a panic attack form the moment I left my house and it lasted until I was finally back home 2 days later.

20-08-09, 11:48
i had one for 2 days aswell, i thought i was dieng it was the first time id had a panic attack, never ever want a feeling that that again

20-08-09, 12:58
yes - i am getting over the same thing at the moment.

feels like i still have it, but i am pretty sure that the attack itself was 2 days ago.

I struggle to recognise them all now - just one long THING going on
a tiny tiny bit clearer head today though then yesterday
hope tomorrow will be even better

Take care all

20-08-09, 13:46
I think rather than the panic attacks itself lastibg for 2 days it probably went from a panic attack into really intense anxiety which is just as bad as any panic attack. I suffer from intense anxiety most days and it's terrible. Hope you are feeling better now

20-08-09, 16:56
My panic attacks have lasted a number of days - usually something sets them off (I am still trying to work out the specifics:)

Hope you are feeling better now! I can totally sympathize - I've been there. :hugs: