View Full Version : weather

05-10-05, 17:21
just wondering does anyone find that this sort of weather doesnt help (grey and low sky just in case sunny where you are ) it sort of feel like the world is pressing down on me strange i no have felt dizzish and fuzzy all week really and feel like heavy blanket on head. still got too persrvere last week felt i was improving not so sure now

05-10-05, 18:17
Yeah Dan, I always feel better when the sun's out..doesn't happen too often though, huh? :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

05-10-05, 18:24
To be honest i'm the opposite and hate the sunny weather...even more so when it's too hot and i feel i'm gonna faint with the heat..not been out much all summer but hoping to try and get out and about now it's cooler

05-10-05, 18:26

I'm with you on this one - I hate grey days, give me sunshine and bright skies, either hot or cold, I don't mind - but lots of lovely sunshine.

I try to think about things that remind me of sunshine on days like this, just to help me pick up my mood!

Lets pray for some sunshine tomorrow!!

Sending you lots of positive rays of sunshine! :D:D

Take care

Elaine XX

05-10-05, 19:27
Hi Dan

I feel exactly like you today and get that same feeling of something pressing down on me and it also makes me feel claustrophobic, strange I know, but hope for some sun tomorrow.

Barb xxx

05-10-05, 19:44
hi dan
i do like the sun but dont like it to hot as like xxhazexx it makes me feel faint ,i like it when winter starts to come so you can wrap up and get cosy and in the evenings have a nice hot drink and sit and watch tv all cosy :D then there's Halloween then xmas ,god im so sad take care hope you start to feel better soon take care denise xx


05-10-05, 19:56
thanks for making me no not the only one
its not so much the heat although dont mind it its the bright sky and sun lets hope for cold sunny days all year to suit us all ha ha

05-10-05, 20:26
lol Dan I wouldn't bet on it!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

07-10-05, 11:58
I wonder if it could be some kind of manifestation of SAD (seasonal affective disorder), maybe in a more mild form.

I know what you mean though.

07-10-05, 12:21
I was just lookin out of the window Dan and thinking how much I hate grey days and then saw your post lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Totally with you on this one.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-10-05, 16:05
I just went to collect kids from school and felt absolutely terrible,
I feel in this grey still weather i cant see properly ,like everythings fuzzy.
I do wear glasses for "short sighted" but it dont help in this weather.
I also have felt very tired all day and want to go to sleep.

Does anyone else wear glasses ?


09-10-05, 15:03
Me too, can I join the club :)

09-10-05, 21:42
There is a known condition called SAD and it starts around this time of year...something to do with less light and some kind of effect on the brains hormones i think.
There is a special light you can buy that is meant to help you with this i hear ? anyway i am not keen on the dark nights myself [Ugh]

09-10-05, 22:16
hi dan i suffer SAD so i know what u meen


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

10-10-05, 09:47
Add me to the list, i'm terrible when it's autumn/winter time. People have even commented that i'm a much better person to be with in the summer lol.
Think this SAD affects more people than what we realise.

Take care

10-10-05, 13:35
Me too!!!!

But this year I've decided to be prepared...I've just changed all the bulbs in my living room to daylight bulbs which give a clearer (does that make sense) light...I've started using my light box on the dull mornings (only got it last year seemed to make a difference but may have been co-incidence - this year will prove it) and make sure I can get outside as often as possible. Aparently a hard winter is expected this year and though it will be cold at least if theres snow everywhere seems brighter

10-10-05, 13:55
Well done Marmalade.

Get well prepared- don't forget to include garden bird feeding.

It always helps to watch the many birds enjoying the feed and help we can give when there is not much else about in the winter.


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