View Full Version : do you ever get worried about someone else's health?

16-08-09, 13:12
Like in my case, I get so worried that something's wrong with my mam. For the last while she's been saying that she's noticed a big difference in her eyes and has to wear her glasses more often (she's only 44!!), and she's been losing her balance a bit more than usual - probably both perfectly normal and harmless; but my mind goes straight to "Oh my God, she's got some kind of tumour, I'm going to be left on my own..." and so on.

Bit more difficult when it's someone else you're worrying over cos you can't force them to go to Doc and my mum would be so annoyed if she knew I was worrying.

Just wondering if anyone has experienced this kind of thing?

16-08-09, 13:27
Yes, of course, I do too. I mainly worry about my two boys (4 and 7) but try not to overreact when I see symptoms of things b/c I know it isn't good for them. I really had a reality check when one day my older son said to me, "I have a tummy ache; do you think I have cancer?" I don't remember ever discussing my H/A in front of him but I guess it's seeped through and I was ashamed of myself. I also worry about my husband but luckily he always seems perfectly fine - LOL. But yes, sometimes I think it is better to have all my aches and pains than to think of losing someone around me!

16-08-09, 13:52
Hi Daisycake, I know how you feel, my dad's eyesight and hearing are failing (he's 63) and he recently had chest pains and nose bleeds which we thought were related to heart attacks and high blood pressure, but turned out to be a combination of stress and non-dangerous oesophagus trouble.

I now worry constantly about my dad, a tower of strength, whose strength is now failing (albeit in a normal, gradual way) to due the natural effects of ageing. It's only normal to worry about our parents. Eyesight is the sense we may use the most and it is normal for our eyes to be under a lot of strain, especially when we get older and they start to tire. One day medical technology will advance to the point where we can fix stuff easily but for now we have to rely on our natural defences.

BKF, don't beat yourself up, it's normal for kids to suddenly come out with stuff like that; we all become aware of our own mortality, especially with the tabloids and their morbid obsession with death and cancer and stuff, so try not to worry too much, your son is only "trying" something he has learned. It does not seem to indicate anything other than a normal level of health anxiety which everyone has to some degree.

16-08-09, 14:22
Yeah, I worry about my dad, my mum, my gran, my friends, I worried about my ex when we were together (but not anymore), not just health, but everything! Like, someone's 10 minutes late and I think 'Oh no, they've had a car accident...'

I know what you mean about not being able to let them know you worry, they'd either be cross about it or think I was crazy!

magpie girl
16-08-09, 14:51
i worry about all my family,if one of them are ill i constantly ring to check there ok:) If i dont hear from my dad for a few days i get annoyed at him,and tell him off because i worry hes been in hospital or is too ill to get to the phone.