View Full Version : PC Use

16-08-09, 14:37
Could long hours at looking at my laptop screen quite close and playing my 360 cause my vision to be blurry (long distance things look blurry especially writing) these days i tend to spend most of the day in doors on my laptop or playing the 360 lol

16-08-09, 17:43

I think you already know the answer to that one.

Please don't sit in front of a pc or screen for such a long time. If you must, at least interupt it with 5 to 10 min. breaks every hour or so. No harm in getting your eyes tested as well.

17-08-09, 05:20
Perhaps not a good idea...:shades:

17-08-09, 05:59
I get this all time. Its called eye strain. As the others were saying take a break every once in awhile . Good luck

17-08-09, 23:06
Hi hun :D :hugs:

You have had some great advice allready, but what I want to say is, my hubby does not suffer anxiety, but has issues when using the pc for to long he CANNOT play games on the pc or games consoles, for long, it makes him feel funny and even sick.

Hunny, get to know yourself, some people can spend hours on the pc or on games with no issues but it can effect others, I feel this has nothing to do with anxiety, just how you are, so get to know yourself, set small goals on doing something else for awhile.

If you have concerns get your eyes checked, it helps to get out and about for short walks. Staying indoors all the time is not such a good thing.

You take care


17-08-09, 23:22
Hey thanks Jill :)

I always have been a gamer :) so i can play games without feeling sick lol. looking back now i have played games since a very young age and always sat close to the screen, so maybe years of that don't help. I am also very short sighted, i tried on a pair of my mates glasses and WOW! my eyes felt like they had been replaced with new eyes LOL i could see stuff in the distance crystal clear :) i then asked him why he wears them and he said because I am short sighted, so i guessed that i must be too. I tried on my dads glasses (he is long sighted) and i could barely see.

Thanks for replying :hugs:

18-08-09, 00:45
I get minor eye strain, nothing major but sort of a small flare when i look away from the screen

Thing is i make electronic music for a living so i can't help but take long sessions staring at my screen

18-08-09, 01:12
Hi Marc :D :hugs:

Please go and get your eyes checked, if you feel your friends glasses helped then maybe you need prescreption glasses.

Its ok being a gamer, like to play a game or too myself LOL, it takes your mind off things, BUT, like most things we have to do things in modaration, I do feel that to much gaming is no good when a cute with anxiety, are minds are not being stimulated enough.

You go get your eyes checked and get them new eyes LOL


Happy gaming


18-08-09, 01:15
:D Yes it seems i cant really play games lately due to this anxiety because I am worrying whilst playing and that means I'm not really focusing on the game :( and i end up dieing or something LOL in the game i mean.

I do really need to get my eyes tested but so scared they might say i have a tumor or something :( i hate this HA.

18-08-09, 01:34
Hi Marc :D :hugs:

I can understand your fears hunny :hugs: but we are dealing with FACT hear, you ARE a healthy young man, YOU KNOW what your issues are and that is you have health anxiety, this can be dame hard to deal with and it plays with your thoughts.

I know its dame hard for you but what you WILL get from going to get your eyes checked is piece of mind YES ? and a pair of new eyes LOL

Look at it this way hunny, Mrs anxiety it getting in the way of you doing the main thing you like doing (gaming) ohhh please hunny, DON'T let her do this to you, DON'T let her take away your fun, GO GET then eyes checked.

I feel you have had this anxiety long enough to know that Mrs anxiety NEVER EVER has anything good to say, she feeds on our negativety, she thrives on our fears, if we starve her of all these types of thoughts or challenge these types of thoughts with a more positive mental attatued she does not like it.

Its dame hard changing the way we think, hunny, you are young, challenge Mrs anxiety, tell her your going to get your eyes tested weather she likes it or not, GO GET THEM done, YOU WILL feel a whole lot better after, I PROMISE. :hugs:

I can understand how much you hate being the way you are, (having anxiety ) BUT hunny, FOR NOW, JUST FOR NOW, you have to try and eccept how you are FOR NOW, not forever, the first thing we need to try and learn is ecceptance, this helps us move on a little.

you take care


18-08-09, 01:45
WOW thanks Jill :D

that's the most kindest thing anyone has said to be since this HA started :) very much appreciated. I know i have HA but there are times when i think "what if I am really ill" and its so hard getting rid of them horid thoughts. I know my lungs and heart are fine because of the tests i have had at the A&E and the results proved it, but now i think something wrong with my brain :( it's never ending :(:(

Anyway thanks you so much for your kind words :hugs:

18-08-09, 02:47
Your welcome Mirc :D :hugs:

Hunny, are foundations must be worked on when acute with anxiety, we must learn to eccept what we have, FOR NOW, NOT FOREVER and we must try and help ourselves understand that WE CAN get better, with alot of hard work, time and the right support, learning and understand AND BELIEVING we can get better sets a good foundation to work from, this is not easy to do hun, it takes time.

Here is a thread with a poem in it read along time ago, in fact, when acute, I read lots of poems like this one and lots of positive quotes, I do feel that all helped me move on a little


If you read through the fourums you will understand that it IS the what IF'S that fuel our anxietys. I know for me I came to understand that my mind was a powerfull thing, if it can come up with all the negaitive what if, then maybe, just maybe if I right a list of positive what ifs and play with Mrs anxiety myself with the positive what ifs it may help, eg...

what if I got better? what would I like to do?

What if I could just get on a plane (without panic, anxiety )and go any where, where would I go?

what if I woke up one morning and it was gone, how would I feel? I would imagin how I would feel

what if I won the lottery, what would I spend the money on LOL I had fun for a short time with this one.

Ohhh and a hole lot more positive what if's, I do feel that these types of what ifs helped me move on a little.

Hunny, this may sound strange to you right now, but what I said to myself when acute was, if my mind got me into this mess it can also get me out of it, in time and with more understanding of this emotional illness.

YOU ARE stronger than you think, please hun, give credit were credit it due, you ARE doing sooo well, prase yourself more, make small goals, goals you know you can achieve, this helps sooo much.

Remember hun, this is an emotional illness, it messes about with how we feel and think, you are not alone in how you feel or think,:hugs:

I AM myself panic and high anxiety free because of this great site, it has helped and quided me in the right direction.

It IS DAME hard to know and understand it for yourself, I KNOW it is, BUT YOU WILL in time Marc, please try and blieve this.


and your kind words for me touched my heart, so thank you :hugs: