View Full Version : Gallstones ??

16-08-09, 15:50
Have been having stomach pain for a few months now.
Saw doctor for left sided pain on Thursday , due to have a colonscopy in October , i was very worried i might have divicultitis but he said the pain was in the wrong place - too low down.
I also keep getting really bad colicky pain on right hand side near ribs , due to have an ultrasound for gallstones in 2 weeks, Really stressed as scared i will need an operation.
Had similar pains before but a long time ok , ultrasounds were clear.
I know ibs can cause lots of stomach pains , but i need to get results first.
I just feel so scared and worried...

18-08-09, 22:58
no ones replied ??

18-08-09, 23:03
I still think it is IBS related to be honest.

18-08-09, 23:04
There are other threads about gallstones though so have a read of them and see what you think.

18-08-09, 23:05
Thanks, i will have a look

18-08-09, 23:10
One thing I can remember is a guy I knew had gallstones and he was doubled up in pain with it and was in agony all night.

Just a thought anyway.

19-08-09, 08:15
Hi PB,
These are exactly the symptoms i have been having for the past few months. I am worried about it too. I have had blood tests and an ultrasound scan and they were both normal. However, i was still having the pains. The doctor thinks is was acid reflux (GERD) and probably a bit of IBS too. I also had pains in my back by my right shoulder blade - which is often a symptoms of gallstones, but i was clear. Do you get any back pain? I was waking in the night woth stomach pain as well.

Anyway, the doctor has now given me Omeprazole, which is a stomach acid reducing tablet and it has helped quite a lot - maybe you could try that for a while? I am actually referred ot the hospital to see a gastro consultant in a couple of weeks time, so i'm nervous about that!

But, as everyone keeps telling me, it does sound like IBS and maybe a bit of acid reflux, so i don;t think you should be too worried (wish i could listen to my own advice!!)

Best wishes

Alison x

19-08-09, 11:48
I am having pain under my right shoulder blade too. I've had it for about a month, although it disappeared for about ten days in the middle. I had an ultrasound in July and one last year, neither showed anything.

I am worried but I don't really wanna go to the doctors, I had enough :mad:

19-08-09, 12:02
Hi Amu,

That is weird because mine disappeared fro about 10 days too, and then came back and hasn;t really gone again! I have had it for about 3 months now! It seems to throb when i eat. I have had massage and osteo, but nothing seems to take it away! :mad: I'll have to see what the gastro consultant say in a couple of weeks time. I am hoping i will have an MRI or CT scan or something!!

Best wishes


19-08-09, 16:12
Let me know if you do get one, although doctors are reluctant to refer people. I recently had a colonoscopy, then I had to go through a thorough screening programme because of a new job, so now I kind of don't want to go back to the doctors, I had enough of tests, why do I get a new symptom every time?