View Full Version : feeling depressed

freudian nightmare
16-08-09, 18:35
I've suffered with panic/anxiety for years now but recently due to things that have happened in my life i'm now suffering with depression and i'm struggling a bit as i've never felt so bad. I can't see a way out of my problems and don't know where to turn. I'm seeing a counsellor but not feeling much better and i've decided to take inisitol instead of meds that i was described but not sure what else i can do.I wake up feeling scared of my life and don't sleep that well because of constant thoughts in my head. My heads spinning and i'm not sure how much more i can take. Just wondering if anyone has any advice or words of wisdom for me, anything would be much appreciated. Thanks x

16-08-09, 20:02
Take heart - this will pass. Try talking positively to yourself. I couldn't sleep when I was first diagnosed with anxiety & depression until another sufferer told me to just say 'tonight I am going to sleep' and to repeat this throughout the day to programme my unconcious mind. It worked and my sleeping has rarely been disturbed since although I still have some low days. Listen to music/programmes through earphones as you go to sleep as this won't let thoughts take control of your brain.
Take care and good luck