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16-08-09, 20:10
Just wondering if others here have a problem with losing too much weight and what they do about it?

When I hit mid 20s, my battle with weight has always been one of a struggle to keep weight off. However since my recent "episode" started, I'm now struggling to keep weight on.

Sometimes I'm a bit shocked by the loss of weight. Today for example, before I weighed myself I was thinking I'd maybe dropped to 10st 5lb (was about 10st 6lb yesterday), but got on the scales and I'm down to 10st 2lb! I've not been that low in probably 15 years! :ohmy:.

It's probably however down to not eating enough. My appetite has been pretty poor and I've been getting stomach issues for which I'm being treated / investigated (could be h.pylori infection), and I'm on omeprazole to reduce acid. I'm eating small and often portions however and trying to eat as much as I can, but still lose weight sometimes.

Problem is sometimes I'm incredibly hungry but have little appetite, but when I eat I then feel full quickly.

I think it doesn't help that I'm exercising (I go for walks and do mountain biking a bit), but I have to exercise to keep my mind off the anxiety and it's supposed to be good for me, but exercise is burning off everything I take on (though still doesn't shift the belly I've got!).

So I'm wondering what kind of things people do or eat to keep their weight up.

16-08-09, 21:16
I too am i a very skinny person LOL always have been though, even though i eat stuff like take away pizza half pounders (lived on them for a week) and chips i never put the weight on :) quite strange :huh:

16-08-09, 21:32
I too am i a very skinny person LOL always have been though, even though i eat stuff like take away pizza half pounders (lived on them for a week) and chips i never put the weight on :) quite strange :huh:
I'm not especially skinny but not fat apart from a beer belly thing going on. But for 5'7, my weight is okay. It's just the loss that gets me as since 25-ish I've always fought to keep it off, but now it's the opposite.

Before 25 I was like you. Could eat anything and never put weight on :D. Perfectly normal though that.

20-08-09, 10:41

I have exactly the same problem, I too am on Omperazole for the acid probs. Only a few days ago when I weighed myself and found that I had lost 6lbs! I even look and feel weak. I feel really hungry too but as soon as I look at food, I start feeling sick and only end up eating eating bits and pieces. I went to see the doc this morning and he told me that its nothing to worry about and to start eating properly, also told me I have IBS which was the reason I was feeling sickly and gave me some tabs for it. Hoping they work!!


20-08-09, 11:37
Yes, I lost about one and a half stone when I was really anxious - fit into ridiculous size 6 clothes! they don't even come up to my thighs now! I put weiht back on very lsowly - I took prozac to overcome depression and it helped anxiety. I would just try and cook really nice food that I liked. At breakfast, I would have banana on toast with lots of butter,croissants, etc. For lunch, big soups with lots of stuff like potato and pasta in it. Have lots of mayonnaise, pesto, olive oil etc with dinner. I also took complan as well.

Hope you feel better soon!

20-08-09, 12:39
I am also losing weight - not huge amounts, but every time i weight myself i have lost a bit more. I have also had probelms in the past keeping weight OFF! And it is extrememly unusual for me to lose weight without trying! I have been having various gastric complaints that the doctor thinks is probably acid and IBS. I have Omeprazole now which has helped with the stomach pain, but i am still unalbe to eat a lot and feel full very quickly - very rare for me! All my friedns say i'm lucky to be losing weight, but i don;t feel it. I would rather be staying the same or putting it on because at the moment I just feel sickly and ill!

20-08-09, 14:34
Losing weight would normally be a good thing for me, but not when I feel feint and sick with it, and the sudden losses worries me a lot.

Thing is I'm not sure it's the anxiety, the stomach or the omeprazole that's causing it. I was on omeprazole to sort out nausea & stomach pains, but I'm finding now I get some queezy feelings and I'm put right off food. I kind of want to stop the omeprazole now but if I do will I get the original problem back?

I did note that one of the side effects of omeprazole is feeling sick (exactly what I don't want as the stuff is supposed to be making that better).

20-08-09, 14:43
im same atm the thought or sight of food makes me feel sick ive lost a stone in 4 weeks , dr is going to give me some nutritional drinks for now maybe you could try some of them ?

20-08-09, 15:18
this is my major sign of anxiety increase.

I lost about 2-3 kilos in a week
and i am 32yo and my weight is only 50kg (sorry i dont do pounds)

i am also trying stuffing myself when i am distructed

but i still dont eat enough because it comes out staright away anyway.

with me it can last for weeks
hope this time will be shorter.

I drink baby milk when i am like that so i might start today.

Get well everybody

20-08-09, 15:26
Contributing to my problem I think is the fact I'm getting addicted to going out for a walk on a daily basis to keep calm. It helps greatly being outdoors and walking about, but it's also burning calories.

When I get home I'm not hungry but when I'm hungry I find the idea of food makes me sick. Maybe I should try taking snacks with me and eat as I walk! :D

It's daft as a month ago before all this I loved good food and cooked a lot from fresh(ish) ingredients, though I did tend to stuff my face with big portions. Now I've lost all interest in food. I'm resorting to quick to make snack stuff I can consume in the brief period when I can down food, but that stuff can't be good for me.

I've worried of course about blood sugar levels because of the weak feelings I get. Could be though as I find taking certain kinds of food and drink on board makes me feel a lot better.

20-08-09, 15:58
i am the same just last week i was stuffing myself with cakes and all sorts
and today i couldnt eat lunch or anything
just had a cup of milk

20-08-09, 16:13
does any of you get the sicky feeling in your throat aswell which contributes to not being able to eat just curious

20-08-09, 16:36
Have lost 2 stone since March. Doctor has banned me from weighing myself 'cos it makes me so anxious when I see I have lost more. Wasn't eating for weeks so that started it, but feel I eat a lot now (mainly evening when I finally calm down!) but weight not going up, I'm sure I'm still losing weight and it scares me. Suppose I think it's something seriously wrong, not just anxiety. What if it doesn't stop?.......:blush:

20-08-09, 16:54
does any of you get the sicky feeling in your throat aswell which contributes to not being able to eat just curious
I have various strange throat feelings. Sometimes it's a feeling of something stuck at the back. Sometimes there's a sort of weird not quite sore but "something" feeling which is hard to describe. Could call it sickly I guess.

But thankfully I'm not too bothered about the throat.

I do get a "head sick" feeling some days which I best describe as being like a hangover, but without the headache. The kind that makes you feel like you want to throw up and you're foggy. It's different from the stomach nausea I was getting.