View Full Version : hiya not doing so good

16-08-09, 20:30
hiya all ive not been having the best of times we have a caravan in lincs i managed to drive up there (which was a struggle) but had to come home today after a couple of days i had a really bad its prob gonna sound daft but i had a really bad nightmare woke in the middle of the night feeling pretty ill/sick and shaky also been geting pains in my back started on my left side now moved over to the middle/right im guessing this is down to tension but all sorts of things are running through my mind getting pretty sick and tired of feeling like it and no one understanding getting told its all in my head and get out and do things - i try to explain i dont feel well and that i do try but no one seems to understand

16-08-09, 20:42
Hey Robert,
im really sorry you had and still have such a bad time. I totally understand how eg. Nightmares highten anxiety episodes even more. Comes with the territory, brain is just so stressed out. That is why all your body sensations also feel even worse, you are like a wired string at the moment. Do you go to counseling or take any meds? Do you have anyone close to you to whom you can talk? Btw dont stress yourself anymore about the caravan trio, youll have many more in the future

16-08-09, 21:24
hiya thanks for the reply yes i am on some meds ciprelex , promizine and metazipen ive been like it for several months since xmas in fact
its hard to keep telling myself its 'just anxiet/panic' as it just doesnt seem to go away :(
im married and have 3 girls but my other half struggles so no i dont really have anyone that understands although i am seeing a counsellor she is very nice but i seen her several times and dont really see any improvement

16-08-09, 21:33
Dont write the counselling off yet, it takes usually years before you realise how much improvement youve actually made. Hangon in there and just decide to believe. And as ive learned from my self and seeing others write here, this anxiety stuff comes and goes. Meaning you just have to trust that better days will come again, but in the meaning time you have to get support, meaning your meds, councel, family and NMP. You should also talk about your meds with your councelor, maybe they need to be changed or upped so that youll have it easier?