View Full Version : Newbie

16-08-09, 21:55

Just saying hello as i have just joined up. I found the like to this off of another fourm. Basically I have had anxiety since my school exams (im now almost 24!) and it seems to be getting worse rather than better! I was pescribed some meds a few years back and took them for a year and then very stupidly stopped taking them as i was in a happy relationship and didnt feel like I needed them any longer. To cut a long story short the relationship ended a year ago and things have got worse since. Thats basically the short story of why Im here! Hoping to have a good look around the site and see how I can start to help myself!

Thanks for reading :)

16-08-09, 22:54
Welcome to the site. You'll get lots of friendly advice here from people who really understand!!!!
Good luck & take care