View Full Version : No male orgasm, could be anxiety ?

17-08-09, 03:38
Note : Apologies if the below chatter is a bit gross, I tried to use friendly and less yucky words for things, not sure if I succeeded.

Over the last few weeks I have had no problem in my sex drive or ejaculating, but I don't get an orgasm even though the actual "act" is a turn on. It is very annoying to reach the "end" only to feel nothing at all. It burns a bit and feels a little bit like a blockage when I ejaculate, but that is probably me being paranoid. I have had a few problems peeing lately, takes me a while to go and urine stream feels slightly weaker than normal, but again I put that down to stress and anxiety.

I just wondered if any other men have had this same problem ? I am 30. Up until recently I would get an orgasm every time I ejaculated, regardless of whether it was sex or masturbation. I still have a high sex drive and lets just say it "went far and plenty" when I did ejaculate so I know the muscles in that bit at least are ok.

So just stress and anxiety or likely something more sinister ?

Thanks everyone.

17-08-09, 12:49
Iagree with Tetley Your Dr will be able to put your mind at ease .Sometimes the eurethra narrows slightly but it isnt serious and can be sorted .Anxiety can cause a lot of problems .Im sure its nothing to worry about .Take care Sue x