View Full Version : Stabbing pains in chest and back....

17-08-09, 05:25
I started with upper abdominal pains on Monday on both left and right sides,to the point that I didn't want to eat cuz I felt bloated, and then would have diarrhea, after about 3 or 4 days, it seemed to subside, then the following day I after eating dinner, I had to run right to the bathroom and then I felt nauseated. Later on that night I started getting a stabbing pain in my sternum area right between both breasts, it would come and go and it felt like I had food stuck in my throat, I took a prilosec and went to bed. The next morning I felt better and then after dinner, I started getting the pains in my chest in the same spot again and they moved into my back right in the middle also. Took another prilosec and seemed to help for a little while and then started up again and felt like food stuck again and also burning in chest. When I got up this morning, I had the same feeling and took a prilosec and it went came and went all day, now I can feel it on and off also, and to add, sometimes if i bend over it hurts in the sternum area too. Also, if i touch the area that i get the stabbing pain in the sternum, it is tender and hurts to touch. Anyone know if this is an acid reflux/gerd thing? Also, I have very tight muscles in my shoulders that hurt constantly and feel hard as rocks. Between March and June, I have had a catscan of the abdomen/pelvis, ultrasound of abdomen/pelvis, catscan of heart/lungs, echocardiogram, stress test, many ekgs, catscan and mri of brain...all of which came back normal. Do you think that I could have major changes since all the catscans, considering they were only a few months ago? I hope that someone can give me some info on here so I know whether I should have it checked out or not, I don't want to run to the dr again to waste anymore time, please help me!!

17-08-09, 05:46
i am having this same crap right now, and im thinking IBS. listen - i'm sure you know this but prilosec does absolutely nothing unless you take it regularly. unlike a fast-acting antacid, the PP inhibitors like prilosec have to be taken every day (usually for 14 days) AND they need need need to be taken on an empty stomach, usually first thing in the morning. NOT when you are experiencing symptoms. so if you haven't been taking it that way try that and see if it helps. you can combine it with pepto to lessen the abdo symptoms.

17-08-09, 05:49
and yeah i'm having the same in the sense that it is all diff sorts of pains in diff locations including this heartburn type sensation and it's driving me NUTS

17-08-09, 10:37
I'm having the same sort of pain in between my shoulder blades, my breastbone and stomach. It comes on after everything I eat even if I've just eaten a really healthy meal. I've been on Omeprazole for ages and it's helped with the acid but not this pain. Convinved myself I have gallstones. I'm having a chest X-ray this week, would gallstones show up on that?

17-08-09, 10:49
i think they use an ultrasound scanner for stones ........they did with me ..........good luckxx

17-08-09, 11:01
It'll be an ultrasound scan if they suspect gallstones. If omeprazole is helping with the acid, maybe you'll need something a bit stronger to clear the rest of the indigestion?

17-08-09, 13:37
So a sharp stabbing pain in the middle of the breasts in the sternum can be heartburn...it can hurt bad like that? It only lasts for a couple minutes and goes away....then the spot it hurt in is tender....

17-08-09, 15:56
When you get the pain try taking some Gaviscon (think you can get that in the US). Don't take it with any drink or anything and it should coat your throat, windpipe etc and help with the pain if it's heartburn as that can be pretty bad