View Full Version : sleep

17-08-09, 07:50
:shrug: hi, this is really bothering me does anyone else have a really bad time getting to sleep i have to be almost dropping down with exhaustion to sleep. i would love to just be able to go to bed and go to sleep.the longer i go without sleep the more i worry about what it is doing to my healthand so the vicous circle begins i am usually up 20hrs + before i can even think about sleeping then take about another 3 hrs to
get to sleep is this dangerous for my health

17-08-09, 13:51
I am exactly the same as you, takes me quite a while to get to sleep and have to be up for ages before i feel like sleeping, usually i don't get to sleep until 5am :(

17-08-09, 13:57
I want to sleep but can lay there for hours before drifting off, I keep waking also and having problems getting back off. I have recently been suffering from anxiety and that is one of the symptons. Its a vicious circle cause more you worry bout sleep more it become a prob. In the morning I wake and feel little breathless. Could try reading to try get off, maybe herbel sleeping tabs and you could try relaxation music.:yesyes: