View Full Version : Pins & Needles

17-08-09, 08:13
I've been getting pins and needles in my left hand for over a week now. It's on the top of my hand and runs down the side into my little and ring finger. I've also now woke up today with pins & needles in my left cheek, the left side if my scalp and in my left eye?? What on earth is that? Do I have MS? Am I having a stroke? Is it a tumour? Or is it just HA?

I can't get to a doctor until next week so I'm left panicking. Has anyone experienced this before or offer some advice?

Life sucks *weep*

17-08-09, 08:19
All normal things.. The things you mentioned are classic anxiety symptoms.
We all have them from time to time. Take care and don't worry . Michael

anx mum
17-08-09, 09:06
Yes hun i have had pins and needles everywhere for 3 weeks it was really scarey actually they dissapearred. My doc said it was due 2 my anxiety and once i had enough rest they would go hope this helps.

28-08-09, 22:19
Hi there

It may be anxiety alone, but also may be migraine without headache. I started to get pins and needles on my left side, in my hand and arm and sometimes up to my face/lips. Of course, I was thinking stroke/heart issues/severe allergy. The neuroloigist I ended up seeing said that anything that comes on gradually, taking about 30 mins or so is nothing to worry about at all. Stroke/heart attacks etc. are instant and massive. His words, not mine...

Take care


28-08-09, 22:38
try not to worry too much hun ive suffered with anxiety for yrs years now and finally found out the 27th august i have MS,i havnt got it serverly as others but my hands are constantly numb,feeling poorly for no reason,not being able to sleep panic attacks and for yrs my doc told me it was anxiety and it was but he sent me for an MRI and to see a neurologist and its confirmed so i have double trouble,please please go see your doctor and ask him to send you to see a neurologist just for a peace of mind...but please also bear in mind anxiety really does play games with your body and sometimes you feel like there is something seriously wrong with you so just bear that in mind hun xxx hope alls well xx

28-08-09, 22:44
Have a read of the symptoms page on the left - quite normal with anxiety

30-08-09, 23:12
it could be a trapped nerve, i have this and it gives me pins and needles and numbness. relly common. dont worryxx

01-09-09, 11:23
I seem to get pins and needles a lot more recently. I guess it coincides with my anxiety/depression returning. Everytime I wake I either have pins and needles in my arm or leg or both. I also get it really quickly when sitting/lying in an awkward position. I'm sure it comes on a lot quicker than it used to. I asked my Doctor about it and she just said I'm pinching nerves when I sit or lay awkwardly. I'm hoping that it's just the anxiety making it a more frequent occurance than usual.

01-09-09, 11:51
I'm almost sure it was anxiety as it's completely gone now, but has been replaced with headache/pressurised head and fuzzy vision!

Anxiety is so powerful!


01-09-09, 11:56
oh my god i feel so stressed now about the post from peachie i also experience some of this and am totally obsessed with ms, think im going to pay privatley to get an mri done as my doc will not send me. Im so stressed it is ruining my life.

07-09-09, 09:57
Pins and needles sensations are also common with anaemia due to the lack of oxygen in your blood. It is not serious but needs treating to avoid these annoying symptoms. Anyone with persistent pins and needles should have a blood check for anaemia. This is very common among vegetarians or people un an unhealthy unbalanced diet.