View Full Version : is there anyone there

17-08-09, 09:35
hiya is there anyone there im really struggling

17-08-09, 09:40
im scared i dont feel like i can breath properly - im so tired of waking up and feeling like this

17-08-09, 09:56
i am here also going through very bad patch you poor man its hell i havent got out bed 4 days feel so spacd out ,,scared

17-08-09, 09:58
hiya thanks for the reply - as soon as i get up i feel like im dying - i get scared a teary i so scared that it is not anxiety and it is something else wrong with me

17-08-09, 10:00
its anxcity with it comes very bad symtoms, you will be ok dont get scared,,try to relax ..are you taking meds for this

17-08-09, 10:55
hiya yes i just feel so alone and helpless i keep asking for help but no one seems to want to or can understand just how bad i feel

17-08-09, 10:56
i am on meds i havent asked if you are ok?

17-08-09, 12:10
Hi Rob,
Understand how you are feeling was really struggling with the breathing thing couple of weeks back ..has gotten bit better now ....You will be ok...i was panicking like mad and was hyperventilating all day litterally it was exhausting. I too was pretty desperate and felt i was gonna die as I felt every breath was so difficult..but i'm still here..just about!
Hope you feel ok and have calmed down abit now. Take Care Joidex

17-08-09, 13:23
hope your breathing better just got script for prozac cant make e feel any worse hope they work:hugs:

17-08-09, 13:35
Hi -Sometimes it helps if I have a small snack-like an apple or piece of toast. Have you had anything to eat? Maybe try some crackers- even though you may feel like you're alone- there is love and support here at NMP so keep posting and we can all get through this together.

17-08-09, 14:12
hiya thanks for the replys - still not feeling to great - breathing is a little better i dont seem to hyperventalate it just feels like i cant breath like my breath is heavy i ve got neck and back ache at the moment - and i notice every little twinge - i hope the prozac does its work for you i wish there was somone out there that could make me feel better i really dont know how much more of it i can take

17-08-09, 14:14
thanks blue i had half of a piece of toast this morning it all i could manage i will have something else now i feel so much like im dying and just waiting on the edge of a cliff for something to happen

17-08-09, 17:50
Hi Robert
I have had so many days like you but I got through them and you will too. It's not easy but it will end!!!!!!!! Take hope

Veronica H
17-08-09, 18:42
Hi Rob
I have posted this advice before from the great Dr Weekes......A good exercise to stop rapid shallow breathing: lie flat on the floor or bed, bend knees and bring legs close to your body, keeping feet flat on the ground. Then place arms across chest, right hand grasping left shoulder, left hand grasping right shoulder. This produces abdominal breathing'.

The feeling that you can't breathe is caused by chest muscles tightening due to anxiety...Dr Weekes also says 'do not let it frighten you. Breathe as shallowly as you feel you must, but donot be concerned with what will happen because you breathe this way. Your respiritory centre will see that you inspire enough air, despite your effort to hinder it'.:yesyes:

I hope this helps.
