View Full Version : Can anyone help me with this?

17-08-09, 14:12
I have got lower back pain towards the left mainly, I feel bloated and like I need to trump and when I have a BM I always think that there isn't that much there and I have occassional cramping? I also have pain in my lower back anyway because I am overweight and sleep on my stomach alot (this makes my back worse!) I keep getting the lightheaded feeling which is just anxiety about all of this.

I am sure it is just a touch of IBS as when I eat white flour products they tend to upset my stomach and my diet isn't that great at the minute but I am convinced that I have Ovarian Cancer.

I am 28 and otherwise healthy, I've had health anxiety for a few years and these symptoms get worse the longer I think about them or If I am left on my own with nothing to do.

I'm driving myself nuts as I have read what I have just typed and I know it isn't anything serious.

17-08-09, 14:16
Does it get better when you trump (great word!)? I get pain like this, quite sharp at times, and it does get better after a great big fart. It is probably bowel related - they are funny old things. Hope you feel better soon. Have you tried Activia or something like that?

17-08-09, 14:27
Thanks, I didn't know if fart would be blocked by a swear fillter!!

It does tend to relieve it, I think I have just got a load of wind that I need to get rid of.

I was thinking of colonic irrigation?

I have tried Activia but I didn't really notice a differance!

17-08-09, 16:38
Have you tried the tablets you can take that break up the large bubbles into smaller ones - deflatine I think they're called? I would try those before colonic irrigation - personally I can't see the benefit of flushing out all the god bacteria that have taken years to build up in there! I think one's colon might react quite a lot to having a load of caffeine filled irritating water shoved up it. However, that is only my view and I'm sure lots of people will have different ones!

17-08-09, 17:00
try taking a bath, fill it up with as much waster as you can .I get IBS and have found sometimes a bath helps move the wind down so it can escape.

18-08-09, 13:34
Thanks for your advice guys, I'm a little less stressed today and I have felt fine - I'm guessing that it is just my anxiety that triggers it! x

19-08-09, 16:22
Hey there,

Sounds to me like IBS. I think you have to feel more than that for Ovarian Cancer.

I thought I had it too over Christmas. Then it thought I had Cervical cancer. Right now i keep going dizzy and feel like i'm not really here or that my head is jumping about which I keep thinking is a brain tumor. IBS pain can be SO painful, even when you think to yourself 'seriously, wind can't be this painful, it must be something serious' it really can be that painful! And it's unpredictable too. Think carefully, if you had a tumor pressing on somewhere, wouldn't the pain be constant and gradually get worse? Also, one major symptom of Ovarian cancer is not being able to breathe properly and feeling really full very quickly or even not hungry. And you probably feel that because you're worried/got IBS!

It's a vicious circle, believe me I know! Just remember, there are a multitude of harmless things it could be and do something nice for yourself to take your mind off things.

Hope you feel better soon xx