View Full Version : smoking cigarettes

17-08-09, 16:02
hi guys i was just wondering if anyone here smokes cigarettes and doesnt obsess about lung cancer, emphasema, stroke etc.
I ask this because on the packet it says it can cause such things but yet you continue to smoke and dont obsess.

i am not suggesting you should obsess about these illnesses please dont but what are your thought processes when you read the warnings on the packet.

i think we all need to harness whatever thought process that is so we can heal

17-08-09, 16:39
I don't mind the warnings, but the pictures worry me, defo that one with the man laying dead :( i always cover it up when making a roll up, but going thu this HA with out ciggy's would be a nightmare, all the stress and that LOL

17-08-09, 17:41
i got a ciggy box cover to cover the packs with pics up lol

17-08-09, 17:54
currently smoking Spanish Smokes so the warnings mean nothing but can't say the English language warnings ever bothered me