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View Full Version : why did i ring the dr so scared now

17-08-09, 18:56
as alot of you know on here ive been going to the loo all the time and not eaiting as i cant , well i rang to speak to my own dr today who is away till 7th september which i didnt know , so duty dr rang me back 5 mins ago i told her my symptoms now she wants to see me tommorow at 5 and warned me she would be putting a finger up my bottom tmi sorry and she wants a stool test the next day my drs surgery only runs on a ring at 8 in morning scheme and get an appointment if lucky omg im so scared she must think its something bad to have offered me an appointment there and then im in such a mess im convinced shes checking me for bowel cancer now what if i have got it omg i dont know what to do

17-08-09, 19:46
anyone ? please reply im so scared

17-08-09, 19:55
Hiya Amanda

What's one of the most common symptoms when you are stressed? anxious and down? change in eating habits and regular toilet visits, that's what.

This GP is not your usual GP, so does not know your history so she is just being cautious is all.

Not the most pleasant thing to have to go through but it's just routine lass, it will all be put down to your anxiety so stop worrying it's anything more sinister.

I have wasted so much time worrying about things that never materialised, and I wager you are worrying about something that won't materialise either :)

Try to take your mind off it until tomorrow.



17-08-09, 19:55
She is probably doing it to reassure you.

Why aren't you eating Amanda?

17-08-09, 20:05
cant eat nicola as feel ive got a sicky feeling in my throat all the time , i just cant swallow if i see food i heave

17-08-09, 20:12
You are probably not eating due to anxiety/stress from thinking you are ill.

4 yrs ago I suffered from serious anxiety and I am sure I had a breakdown. I totally stopped eating, I didn't eat anything for 2 weeks and was nearly hospitalised, I lived off water. I lost so much weight but I couldn't see it. I was convinced I was dying of leaukemia or something and that made me feel sick so I didn't eat which made me feel even worse, but being anxious makes you lose your appetite.

Anxiety also upsets your bowels, I was a tad anxious over the weekend and I had a number 2 I don't know how many times.

The only way for a GP to check for things is to do a rectal examination and to take a stool sample for testing, she wouldn't be doing her job properly if she didn't do these things. Don't worry about it, you should actually feel reassured that the GP is testing you to rule out anything, maybe then you will start to feel abit better.

17-08-09, 20:12
I would ask her about that too but it could be the usual throat issues we get with anxiety.

17-08-09, 20:52
i know all too well that anxiety and stress can cause you to lose your appetite. I suffered for a few weeks with not being able to eat through a really bad patch the weight dropped off of me and i thought something was seriously wrong and before i knew it this viscious circle began to emerge. The doc is only doing his/her job. Chin up and all the best

18-08-09, 13:44
thank you for all the replies ,anxiety is sky high today and feeling very dizzy and weak, but i guess its the thought of going to the drs making it worse, i will let everyone know what the outcome is when i get back keep your fingers crossed for me


19-08-09, 16:57
i went to the drs had an exmination the one i was dreading she was so lovely i was in there 35 minutes ,she couldnt feel anything untoward but was concerned id lost a stone in 4 weeks, she wants to put me on supplement drinks but she had to ring the hospital to fine out what i could have as some inteferre with the runs, she rang me back at 8 last night the surgery closes at half 6 ,she said i need a stool test to see what ones i can have ,ive also got to have blood tests , she did say would i have a sidoidoscopy or an endoscopy i said not in this life time im so scared of hospitals, so got to wait and see results of other tests now but i couldnt of wished for a more devoted dr who id never seen before ,and a big thank you for all your support past few days it has really helped xxxxx