View Full Version : Please help

17-08-09, 20:00
I have had a splinter stuck in my leg near my knee since I was about 10/11 (so 9/10 years!) and it has never caused me any problems but I now have another splinter stuck in my hand and it has been there a few weeks.

For some reason I am really worrying that I could get blood poisoning from it. Should I go to the doctors??

Thanks in advance for any advice.

17-08-09, 22:56
Hi there, will saying dont worry about it, stop u worrying about it? Our body is pretty clever at dealing with foreign bodies and will get rid of it in time. It may take weeks but it will go. All i can say is if u get inflammation or sign of infection go see your doctor or go to a chemist and speak to a pharmacist, they are really helpful.

Hope you feel better xx