View Full Version : Sternum Pain!

17-08-09, 22:37
This is a new one for me, and it feels weird. A couple of mornings this week and i have been woken up by pain in my sternum! Pain which makes you sit bolt up right in bed!

Firstly: I thought that maybe its heartburn, i have suffered from it b4 in the past but not lately. I have eaten spicy food also this week, but that is normal for me and has never affected me b4! so not sure if it was that, that did it.

Secondly : I also wear my bra in bed, i feel more supported. However i do find that the wires do dig in sometimes into my chest. So again not sure if that contributes.

Thirdly: I have had a bit of stress lately regarding a working matter which has been playing on my mind....could this also affect pain in the sternum.

Other symptoms include, pain between the shoulder blades and pain on the back of the top of each shoulder on each side.

Any information would be appreciated

Thanks :)

Captain America
17-08-09, 22:54
i get this too, and certainly don't wear a bra to bed. the best i can say is i get the same symtoms and i've been told it might be the start of fibromyalgia...something common in us anxiety sufferers.

17-08-09, 23:03
Hi there, thanks for the response. I have been told about Fibromyalgia b4, I get aches and pains all over my body. However I find doctors not willing to make that diagnoses. I also suffer from IBS and irritable bladder.

I know i should'nt wear a bra to bed, it does aggravate me, and I often wake in the night feeling really un-comfortable.

The only thing i've done tonight is take some pain killers and have a hot water bottle lie on my chest. It seems to take the edge of it.

Do you know what causes the pain, in relation to fibro?

18-08-09, 01:51
I have this same pain, it is a scary pain that just comes out of nowhere! I have had it a couple times in the past and got it on and off for 3 days this week, I have acid reflux so I have been trying to figure out if that is where it is from or if it is a costochondritis or fibromyalgia pain...I seem to have pain throughout my whole body but the chest part is what scares me!

18-08-09, 21:49
Hi there, yeah its a strange feeling. I have what can only be described as an ache in my chest and around the ribs to the back. I also have pain in between the shoulder blades (dont know if this is connected). Yes i get scared but i'm trying to keep myself calm and not freak out too much. (This i can do with ease!) I'm also resisting the urge to go to the doctors, i don't want to rush off down there every 5 minutes when i get a pain i dont know what it is. I want to at least try and wait it out and see how i go. (i think this is called putting on a brave face)!!!

19-08-09, 12:08
I have exactly the same sternum, rib and back pain, and it has really been worrying me. I also was waking up in the night with pain in my stomach. The doctor thought it was acid reflux. She gave me omeprazole, whihc i have to say has helped a bit with the stomach and sternum pain. However, i am still getting the rib pains and pain between the shoulder blades. This all started with the shoulder blade pain a few months ago. I am glad i am not the only one. I had blood tests and ultrasound - normal. I am nopw referred to gastro consultant in a few weeks to get checked out:scared15:

19-08-09, 12:32
I have this at the moment too. I thought I had perhaps strained myself or something, or maybe its anxiety related.

Hope your ok.


19-08-09, 12:56
Hi girl_interupted

I have had this pain too and still do get it from time to time. the doc seems to think it could be costochondritis and im seeing a rhuematologist in early september. i also think that anxiety is causing alot of my chest pains. I know how scary it is because pains in the chest area will always worry us.

Have you asked your dr about this costochondritis condition?

HA sucks


19-08-09, 18:17
I have fibromyalgia and the pain in my sternum, which is sometimes really bad is costchondritis which is very common in fibro sufferers. Also there are points on the body which are sore to touch and these are sometimes used to diagnose fibro. Where you describe behind the shoulders blades on either side is classic. I cannot bear to touch there when I have a bad flare up. There is a fibromyalgia support site on the web and as it is not life threatening I feel comfortable looking it up. Good luck. XX