View Full Version : Good Intentions now, tomorrow they'll be gone!!

18-08-09, 00:59
Every evening before I go to bed I say to myself "tomorrow I'll get up and do something"-could be housework, shopping, gardening or applying for a job.
I go to bed and try and sleep but suddenly my brain becomes overactive and I can't sleep. I come on here and try and get some perspective on my predicament.
Anyway I usually manage to get to sleep around 3am, if I'm lucky. When I wake up I'm still feeling quite motivated and say to myself I'll have a cup of tea and then get on with things. I don't!! By 11am I think I may as well go back to bed and always get to sleep quite quickly. I wake up at about 3pm and by then I have lost all motivation because it is too late to start anything.
I can't even be bothered to get my husband's dinner ready he's just been having ready meals lately. I tell him I've been out or been applying for jobs online but in all honestly I've done nothing.:huh:
Any suggestions because I'm driving myself crazy with all this indecision.......

18-08-09, 01:10
I get it a lot, 1 minute my mind is set on doing something..I'm even happy, a few minutes later i can't be bothered and feeling down..

I just get on with it even if i can't be bothered, i normally feel much better while or after doing it, gives me a sort of energy boost

18-08-09, 01:13
Jamie-how do you do it?

18-08-09, 01:20
Jamie-how do you do it?


I guess i just think to myself, if i get it done then i'll happy that it's done and i'll be happier that i got up at did it instead of sitting around feeling down..

Motivation doesn't come from nowhere, you have to make yourself motivated..

Think to yourself..

Is it more beneficial for me to stay at home bored and depressed or out shopping, getting air, light and good exercise?

18-08-09, 01:23
Thanks Jamie I'll try it tomorrow. If you want I'll tell you what I did, maybe that will give me an incentive to do something.


18-08-09, 01:28
Thanks Jamie I'll try it tomorrow. If you want I'll tell you what I did, maybe that will give me an incentive to do something.


Yeah, I'd be happy to know what you got done

If you don't do nothing i'll hit you with a stick :sleep:



24-08-09, 21:25
I know how you feel doorbell, the amount of times i think 'i'll start exercising regularly to make myself feel better' or 'i'll start saving money' or 'i'll start looking for a new job' and after a few days i just think 'whats the point?'.

Its only recently when work has got really really bad that it has given me the kick up the backside i need to start applying for jobs properly and get the hell out of there.