View Full Version : Panic attack, I thinkm ptsd.

18-08-09, 10:38
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on these unusual feelings I am having.
I have just come back early from a holiday in Spain where, I managed to impail myself on top of a gate with a metal arrow (in the arm).
I was stuck with the arrow in my arm (NOT BEING ABLE TO GET IT OUT) for half an hour in agony, screaming until some people lifted me off the spike and rescued me,(thank god).
Anyway, since leaving hospital, I am in a heck of a state, I have had stomach cramps, which I thought were caused by the medication? and every night I am acting very strangely,the main symptoms being, heart racing 100 miles an hour,build up of gas in my stomach, causing colic, sweating profusely,fainting, and just a general feeling of being out of control and don't know what I'm doing.
If anyone can advise,I would be ever so grateful.

18-08-09, 20:44
Hello Izzycam....welcome to the site. Sounds like a normal reaction to me of a nasty experience. If your symptoms continue a long time after the event, then you may need to seek further help....it's early days!Anyone would feel odd after an accident like that....get your GP to check that the medication you are taking is appropriate also.

18-08-09, 20:56

I've just joined the group, but your symptoms sound awfully familiar. I didn't have the horrible impaling experience, but the panic attacks aren't too much different.

Here's what I was told:

First you need to know that panic disorder is a real mental health problem, not something that you made up or use when you want attention. Those are things other people say to you, but that's not medically accurate.

Talk to your doctor about what’s happening to you. You may want to learn how to control situations like this using a form of hypnotherapy, counseling, or psychiatric medications.

Share what's happening to you with your significant other, a trusted friend and your boss, if you feel the confidence will be respected. Panic attacks are so unpredictable that you need support from family and friends who can help you reinforce what you learn during treatment.

You’ll learn how to use relaxation, visualization, breathing exercises and redirected self-talk to stand your ground against a panic attack. In time, you will find it easy to manage panic and get back to doing things without fear of interruption

Anyway, it worked for me.


19-08-09, 20:56
Had to go to the doctors after I posted on here yesterday morning as the symptoms got a lot worse up to 6 panic attacks in one hour, the doctor gave me valium, which after a while kicked in, but in the night it came back with a vengence, I just can't get over how I've got so ill so quickly,I'm so worried about going to sleep tonight because I know the leg jumping , sweating,trembling and palpitations will start.What can I do to help myself stop these.
Thank you so much.
How long does this go on for for goodness sake.

19-08-09, 21:10
down load claire weeks off the website. There is a section on panic attacks and its free. I used to get loads a day and was scared all the time waiting for the next one. I use breathing exercises and visualise panic as a cartoon demon and tell him to go away i dont need him anymore. It sounds weird and takes practice but it has worked for me and now as soon as i get the first signs i can stop it becoming a full blown attack. Relization tapes work and so does distraction

21-08-09, 21:32
Thank you for you helpfull words.

21-08-09, 21:48
Hi Izzy. I know this may sound silly, but you have had proper medical care for the impaled arm? There's no chance it may be infected? The way you are feeling does sound like panic, and if so, this is actually good news, as it will get better, trust me, it is scary but you can deal with it and things will improve. I'd want to make sure your body isn't fighting an infection though, because that would contribute to some of your symptoms like the sweating and fainting.

21-08-09, 23:29
Hi hun :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

Ohh I am sooo sorry to hear what you are going through,:hugs: I can't believe the gp just threw pills at you, please hunny, go and get some help and how to deal with this, call NHS direct, they can point you in the right direction.

My brother in law was in a moterbike accident and the nhs gave him a leafleat which told him how to deal with the truma of it all, in this leafleat there was info in there if he could not deal with it, lucky enough, it was a trumatic experieance for him, but he's getting over it now and never needed more help OR go back to your gp and tell him all your symptoms, write them down, ASK for help hun, ask to be refeared to someone who deals with this type of thing.

Hunny, there is help out there, but you have to go in search for it yourself.

You have had some great advice from member hear, but you need to talk to someone about this hunny, don't keep it to yourself.

Please hun, I know its dame hard for you,:hugs: BUT, this WILL pass, with alot of hard work and the right support, it can take time to get over something like this, but please go get some help.



27-08-09, 22:24
Thank you so much, you very kind people, for taking the time to speak to me.
I'm glad to say I am a lot better than I was last week,still not 100% but getting there, read all the info on panic attacks and found the breathing exercise's very very helpful in calming me down.
Also worth mentioning was the fact that my mum made me go out everyday even just for a coffee, it was hard, but it took my mind off things, and really brought me out of myself.
Also my friends made me talk about it.
Thank you.

27-08-09, 22:47
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Its GREAT to hear how well you are doing, WELL DONE, I know this must have been hard for you BUT, YOU DID IT. (JFDI ) you should be sooo proud of yourself :yesyes::yahoo:

It sounds like you have a very supportive network around you with you Mum and friends, that's great hun,:yesyes: this helps soo much.

Thank you for letting us know how things are going.