View Full Version : Why are my glands still up??

18-08-09, 12:34
My glands or lymph nodes are still inlarged in my neck. They have been for years and the other day i got worried when i felt 2 new ones, so i went to the doctor i got a blood test and everything seems to be ok but he didnt explain why mine are still there and dnt seem to be going!

can someone explain why mine arent going away?

18-08-09, 13:16
I have glands in my neck that came up when I had an infection years ago, they have never gone back down to their original size - I too had blood taken and everything was fine. My son also has one down the side of his neck, its quite big and visable -it has been this way ever since he had a very bad ear infection.

Hope this gives you a little comfort?



18-08-09, 13:18
Sorry forgot to say my docand various things Iharead said that some glands never return to their normal size after infection.x

18-08-09, 13:20
Hey Jim,

I went through this a few months ago, worrying about lymph glands is very common. I'd feel them everyday (which by the way can inflame them even more). I was in and out of my doctors office, blood tests etc but nothing was wrong. If you are in good health it boils down to the fact that everyones glands vary in size and some are bigger than others, or perhaps you had an infection once that inflamed your glands and then they never went down again, which is also common. Regarding the new ones, it is possible you have had a mild infection or that they've always been there and you've only just discovered them!

Hope this helps

18-08-09, 13:37
My husband had lots of glands come up after our wedding last year and he was feeling unwell and lethargic - the doctor sent him for blood tests and did a full blood check up and everything came back fine. The doctor saiid the the liklihood was that he was on a "come down" almost after the wedding and was run down and tired and also stressed.

18-08-09, 15:49
Lymph nodes are anxiety sufferers worst nightmare!! i am having a problem with them at the moment, i had a few that came up and i got myself in such a stress about them that i got myself run down and got a cold and now i can feel loads of tiny ones all over my neck :(

It is sooo scary, i went to the doctor on Saturday who had a feel and said that he could feel them but they are not pathalogically enlarged so not to worry.

In the last 9 months i have had the flu 3 times and a infected wisdom tooth so i am hoping this is the cause, they are very very scary and i am having huge problems accepting the fact that i am not dying :(.

Sorry to hijack your thread, but this is a very common worry with people that have anxiety, and the more you look the more you find, people that dont have anxiety are not constantly probing themselves looking for lumps like us.