View Full Version : winter depression

06-10-05, 22:33
hi all

this might sound silly to some people but does anyone suffer from wd's? winter depressions or is it just me - ive looked through the forums but not found anything on winter depression.

when it starts to get dark early thats when i start getting the winter depression where i feel really down in the dumps and depressed my wife cant understand why this happens to me but all i want to do is hibernate for the entire winter plus i know xmas is only just around teh corner which i dont really like i put a brave face on for the wife and kidsand there are other reasons why i dont like the month of october which some of you might allready know about .
and the pa's dont help my depression either the depression only seem to make my panic attacks worse.

does anybody else suffer this and if so have you got any ideas on how to overcome the winter depression?

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

06-10-05, 22:41
I don't suffer personally, but I think you may find more if you look up Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which as the name suggests is depression based upon seasons, and commonly occurs in people in the winter months. I hope this helps.


"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

07-10-05, 07:32
hi darren, i think you'll get more response if you call it SAD. i always struggle more during the winter. i finally got around to buying a sad light last year and did use it, i also managed to take omega 3 supps. fairly regulary - i think they both helped, although they didnt provide the instant cure i was hoping for lol .. tc andrew

07-10-05, 11:58
I don't know your limitations if any but I found with my friend who gets SAD regularly that getting her out into the fresh air with nature, observing the passing of the seasons, the snowdrops, crocusses coming up really helped.

We always went out on bright crisp days for a hearty hike in the hills and this never failed to lift her.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

07-10-05, 12:12
I'm the same Darren, and I also don't like Christmas. If I had my way I'd spend September to May in some sunny climate and come back to Blighty for the Spring and Summer. Although a crisp sunny winter morning is nice, feeding the ducks, seeing the stags in my local beauty spot and the heat rising from their bodies in the cold air. Hmmm.. OK, winter is cool if its frosty, its the dull overcast days that are rubbish.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

07-10-05, 12:41
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<center>DOES THIS HELP</center>

Love Piglet xx

07-10-05, 12:45
I find that for the last couple of years I have got really "down" over the "festive" season.

The year before last, I had quite a terrible time, and I doubled my dose of anti-depressants which helped so much.

Last Christmas, I managed christmas and the nearly as unbearable new year ok. However, half way through January, I started to feel really low, and again managed it by taking double medication for a month.

I definitely think that there is a link with sunshine and blue skies. If we have a dry bright winter (I can cope with the cold), I seem to be able to cope well. Very much like Megs friend, spending time out of doors, riding, walking, watching the local footie team, getting out on the bike, anything that gets me out of doors, and watching the seasons change.

Grey skies, rain, fog and those days where it never seems to get bright really seem to have an adverse effect on me.

I try to plan as many things to do outside as possible, which isn't always that easy, not everybody seems to share my desire to get out on their bike on a December Sunday!!!! Even just getting out and washing my car on a sunny January day can be a lift.

Try getting or borrowing a dog. They are good fun, it means you have to get outside no matter what, and also there have been links proved that dog owners are less suceptable to depression (you can even feed them without suffering adverse effects. However I would recommend that you don't get a sheep. They are bad for your health)

I occassionally get asked to dog sit/walk, and although there are some days where I am really tired and busy and can't be bothered to go and walk the dog, I always feel much better when I return!

Don't think you are alone, as this is a pretty common phenomenum


Nemesis - Rita QofS I JFDI'd THEM!!!!!!

07-10-05, 22:21
hi every1

thanx for all your replies i really appreciate it - it just seems as though as soon as it starts getting dark early thats when the depression sets in the only really limitation is when it gets dark i dont want to go anywhere, its mainly the thought of it getting to close to xmas and on the 18th of this month it will be a year since my youngest son died which also makes me really depressed - i dont think i grieved fior him properly but i was never offered counciling on that by my gp even though i did ask for help - i did also feel as though when my son passed away i had to be a rock for my wife as it hit her really hard well saying that it did me the hardest part for me was watching the coffin going into the ground thats when i could have just took him out and jumped in his place i really do miss him more than anything - i wouldnt wish what me and my wife went through that day on anybody not even my worst enemy not that i have any (or at least i dont think i do)

sorry if im rambling on but things are getting the better of me tonight and dont know what to do.

i wont trouble you good ppl anymore tonight thanx all for teh replies really appreciated


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

08-10-05, 02:00
I get SAD really bad, it's pretty much how the beginning of this bad period started for me last year. I start to feel alone and inside myself, looking out at the dark outside makes me feel like a bomb has dropped and I'm the last one left, it sounds stupid I know but I love to see the sun outside, hear kids playing, hear "happy things" going on. I end up feeling imprisoned and not wanting to go out of my own home. Not sure what I'm going to do this time around but I hope this helps.
