View Full Version : Low blood sugar?

18-08-09, 13:20
Okay, so now I'm convinced I've got low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia).

I seem to be ticking many of the boxes.

Always starts in the morning, and I feel weak, nervous, hungry but little appetite, fatigued. During the morning I'll get sweaty hands, the nervousness and weakness continues with a light headed feeling and sometimes feel like I could pass out.

Edit: oh, and forget, also get weakness and fatigue after exercising (not during though).

It tends to go away if I eat small amounts frequently and drink soft fruit drinks. I'll often be fine by the evening, but it starts over again in the morning (obviously having not eaten anything overnight).

Of course, the more I dwell on it the worse things seem to get.

I want to get some kind of test, but earliest I can see my doc is not until next Thursday, and besides I just get sent away with "it's just anxiety" most of the time.

18-08-09, 13:40
I think i may have this a little, have you had any blood tests?

18-08-09, 14:05
That's the problem. I'm never offered blood tests. Aside from the stomach issues I've had where I've had meds prescribed, most of what I describe is just dismissed as anxiety and then goes into talk of SSRIs and/or counselling.

Although I have anxiety attacks, I think that's partially a symptom rather than a cause. Although it could be the anxiety causes poor eating which maybe leads to low blood sugar levels, but I have no idea what my levels are.

I could go see another doctor but I've tried that before and it doesn't seem to get anywhere and I waste most of the time trying to go over the whole thing again.

18-08-09, 14:14
Yeah annoying i know, Why not go to the A&E if you are that worried?? just to put your mind at rest, you could exaggerate your symptoms slightly just for them to do a blood test and check you BP. I went with breathing issues and they done a load of tests :) all came back clear of course, it gives you a little piece of mind, not much with HA because we always find new symptoms to worry about lol, but at least when an old symptom comes back you can say "well i had those tests to rule out that, so it's not that"

Let me kniow how you get on :)

18-08-09, 14:18
I did that last year when I was having chest & arm pains and pounding heart. They did the ECG and bloods and said I wasn't having a heart attack and packed me off. Never heard anything more about the tests and I don't think the doctor ever received them.

Okay, I had the blood tests done back then, but everything's been fine since then until a month ago when my current "episode" of anxiety or whatever kicked off (different from last years really) and who knows what's changed.

Don't really want to mess about with A&E. Last time it took 4 hours to get seen and cost me a fortune in car park charges!

There's the NHS Walk-in centre though, but not sure they'll do the tests. I could try though, they're open until 10pm!

I know it's likely just me worrying about each little thing that crops up:D, but this morning weakness/illness feeling has been going on for a while and no amount of rational thought seems to make it go away, whereas some foods do. Though could be I'm just not eating enough.

18-08-09, 14:21
LOL parking charges these days :huh:

Yeah you could try that, they might do some blood checks if you explain your concerns. If not i would make your doc do one, don't take no for an answer lol but this does all sound to much like HA, pain in the butt if you ask me :(

18-08-09, 14:33
Yeah, I know what you mean. Yesterday I had a pain under my right rib and foolishly "out of curiosity" consulted Dr. Google. Next thing I knew I had gallbladder problems and was looking up gallbladder removal surgery!!! :D

Then thinking about it I remembered I might have knocked it when I was out on the bike the other day. Calmed down then and now I can see a simple surface bruise.

I just wish my mind would stop doing these things! :D

18-08-09, 14:44
Yeah annoying i know, Why not go to the A&E if you are that worried?? just to put your mind at rest, you could exaggerate your symptoms slightly just for them to do a blood test and check you BP. I went with breathing issues and they done a load of tests :) all came back clear of course, it gives you a little piece of mind, not much with HA because we always find new symptoms to worry about lol, but at least when an old symptom comes back you can say "well i had those tests to rule out that, so it's not that"

Let me kniow how you get on :)

Hi Marc

I hope you don't mind if I comment on your post.
Although I don't suffer from HA, I have learnt a lot about it from forum users here and know how awful it can make people feel.
I do feel though that to recommend going to A and E and exaggerating symptoms is out of order. I do appreciate that GP's are not always willing to play ball and that they do dismiss anxiety sufferers but to go an emergency service because you think you have low blood sugar isn't on.
If you were worried about heart probs I could understand it up to a point but not for something like this.
Unfortunately we all know how long you have to wait to get seen at A and E, this type of time wasting will slow things down even more and may delay treatment for those who need it.

18-08-09, 15:11
Mind you, if you go by NHS Direct's web site, they pack you off in an ambulance for just about everything! :D

But yeah, I'd not want to waste their time & resources.

Though when I had my attack last year, I was first sent by NHS Direct's phone line to a local out of hours doctor service we have around my way, and the doctor thought it was anxiety/panic but wanted me to have ECG & Bloods done asap. I was in such a state and called her back and she suggested if I can't cope through the night, that I could go to A&E to get the tests done there. Which I did.

Didn't really resolve the issue, until I got to the doctor the next day and got a propranolol prescription, and they sorted me right out.

18-08-09, 15:21

I have to agree with Lady!. My opinion is that you should only attend a&e if it is an immediate emergency, or your doctor/medic deems it necessary.

I would recommend you ask you GP for the blood tests. :yesyes:

Take care

18-08-09, 15:22
Hi Tim

I hope you don't think I was belittling your concerns, I wouldn't do that. I have a daughter who was diagnosed with diabetes last week so have also had concerns about blood sugar, just at the other end of the spectrum!
I can totally understand some one going to A and E with concerns about heart, stroke..you know what I mean. I'm not even sure if A and E would do a test for blood sugar issues as it isn't an emergency situation.
Would it be an idea to ask advice from a pharmacist? I know a lot of chemists are now providing a range of health check ups and services, they might be able to suggest something.
Whatever happens, I hope that your blood sugar is fine. :)

18-08-09, 15:35
I would recommend you ask you GP for the blood tests. :yesyes:
It's just the wait that bugs me. The doc isn't available until next Thursday and each morning I go through a cycle of feeling miserable and about to collapse but it all clears up in the afternoon.

Or I see someone else, but last time I tried that I ended up with a stand-in who didn't really have much to say and I spent most the time covering it all again, and at the end it was just "must be anxiety" so didn't feel I got anywhere.

18-08-09, 15:55
hi tim
i also get symptons of low blood sugar i dont know if it is health anxiety
when i get them idrink a can of coke and eat a mars bar after about ten minutes it goes

regards debby

18-08-09, 19:13
I'll shut my mouth then :whistles: LOL

18-08-09, 20:00
try eating a little and often- every 3 hours ideally. Try nuts, oats bananas etc and a hot milky drink at night like ovaltine. The sugar in it keeps' you going through the night then mornings should be better. Hypoglycaemia is one of the biggest causes of insomnia too.

18-08-09, 20:53
It's just the wait that bugs me. The doc isn't available until next Thursday and each morning I go through a cycle of feeling miserable and about to collapse but it all clears up in the afternoon.

Or I see someone else, but last time I tried that I ended up with a stand-in who didn't really have much to say and I spent most the time covering it all again, and at the end it was just "must be anxiety" so didn't feel I got anywhere.

Hi Tim

Have you tried making an emergency appointment with your GP? Think all surgeries have this available. Just speak to the secretary and tell them how bad you have been feeling and how worried you are.

Hope you get it sorted soon

18-08-09, 21:30
try eating a little and often- every 3 hours ideally. Try nuts, oats bananas etc and a hot milky drink at night like ovaltine. The sugar in it keeps' you going through the night then mornings should be better. Hypoglycaemia is one of the biggest causes of insomnia too.
I'm trying that routine at the moment, though I struggle in the morning as I can sometimes feel so bad so don't want to eat much.

No problem with sleep though. Never have had. Well, apart from getting up in the morning which I hate :D

Have you tried making an emergency appointment with your GP? Think all surgeries have this available. Just speak to the secretary and tell them how bad you have been feeling and how worried you are.
I may do. I'll see what tomorrow is like. By the time I get through I'll probably be feeling okay though as it can take hours:D