View Full Version : Hi Im Chris this is all new to me!!

18-08-09, 13:41
Hi everyone my names Chris, im new to all this!! forums and panic attacks!! just started my course of Citalopram today!! so far so good, i have had my medication for about ten weeks now but only just built up the courage to take them, will keep you posted on how i get on

Veronica H
18-08-09, 15:52
:welcome:to NMP Chris. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can't recommend this enough, as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. What dose of Citalopram you on? I have 10mg which took about two weeks to kick in and lifts my mood enough to avoid depression.


18-08-09, 16:44
im on 20mg, thats why i didnt start them straight away, i was a bit scared. I was concerned wen the doc perscribed these as i am not depressed to be honest i extremely happy, but he assures me they will stop my panic attacks, i hope so!!

18-08-09, 20:41

I'm new to forums as well, but not new to panic/anxiety! I haven't had Citalopram myself, but I know a couple of of people who have been on it and found it helpful.


eternally optimistic
18-08-09, 20:44
Hello Chris

Hi and welcome and very good luck with citalopram.

I had good experiences with citalopram and it gave me the opportunity to reassess things.

Good luck.

18-08-09, 22:21
i did not realise panic attacks were so common, this site has been a saviour,reading other peoples stories makes you realise your not actually loosing your marbles and there are people/medicines out there that can help!!
i really hope these pills work i really need to get back to the way things were