View Full Version : Meeting friend tomorrow

18-08-09, 14:41
I'm just writing this down to get it all out, tbh. I've posted here, but it could have also gone under general anxiety, panic attacks or social phobia because I have problems with all of those things.

I'm meeting an old friend tomorrow. I have social anxiety and haven't see her for 5-6 years, so I'm nervous and obviously worrying about what she's going to think of me, whether she'll still like me, whether she'll notice how ugly I am, what we'll talk about, whether it'll be awkward. So that's the social anxiety part.

Then there's panic attacks and general anxiety. My anxiety levels are up anyway, for no particular reason, and I hardly feel safe in my own house never mind outside. I'm definitely agoraphobic and the place I'm going to is almost an hour's drive from here. Not only that, we'll be looking around shops and I haven't set a time when I have to leave so we could be there for hours. I just feel so unsafe thinking about it. My head feels swimmy and weird.

My biggest fear is health anxiety. I've been ill lately and I keep feeling strange, terrifying symptoms. If I feel like that tomorrow then I don't know how I'll cope. I often feel very dizzy when walking (as though my legs can't support my body, like I need to sit down in the middle of the pavement), then I have waves of nausea, other feelings that make me think I have epilepsy, choking feelings, breathlessness etc etc etc. We'll be walking a lot around town. So scared I want to cry already. My main fear is probably that I'll get the ''epilepsy feeling'' - the symptom/s I'm most scared of, and then I'll feel hysterical but I'll have to keep it inside because she doesn't know anything about my anxiety. It's unlikely that I'll be able to behave completely normally and then it'll be embarrassing because she'll wonder why I'm acting so bizzarely.

Loads of similar scenarios are going through my head and I can't stop them. Very scared. How on earth will I cope tomorrow? :scared15:

18-08-09, 15:42
Have you tried telling your friend about this? Who knows she may understand and mke sure you take things one step at a time. You wont know until you tell her, and its best you do so :)

18-08-09, 20:42
I haven't had a chance to tell her. I'd feel a bit strange telling her online rather than in person. I do intend to mention it (only because I'll have to explain why I'm still doing my GCSEs instead of my A levels). I just hope she doesn't think less of me or think that I'm crazy. :frown: