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18-08-09, 15:35
I am going out of my mind with panic and I feel like I am going to pass out. I had general blood tests taken a couple of months ago and went for my results this morning. The doctor said they had been trying to contact me because I had a high level of White Blood Cells and they wanted to re-take the blood test to see if it has cleared.

My phone was out of use but I turned it on periodically and there were no messages to contact the surgery. They didn't write to me. I only had blood tests about 6months before this one, I wasn't expecting to be hit with something like this. He said it could be an infection or......it could be leukemia. I have to go for another blood test tomorrow morning and he said the results would be back the next day, so I am terrified that because of the speed it is serious. The stress is making it hard to breathe I feel sick and I'm trying to understand what's going on. Please, has this happened to anyone else?xx

18-08-09, 19:18
Try to remain calm, white blood cell count happens a lot, it happened to my boyfriend 2 weeks after he had a cold, it could be anything from a minor infection to stress.
I wish u luck but please dont make yourself ill worrying
*hug* xxx

18-08-09, 19:37
White blood cells can be raised for numerous reasons such as an infection, diverticulitis, leukemia, after steroid use, stress, rheumatoid arthritis etc.

I would not worry too much until your bloods are repeated x

18-08-09, 19:48
its often raised if you've had an infection- even if you've not felt unwell. The blood test results can be obtained quickly too for certain tests so don't be alarmed by the speed into thinking its something more serious love

18-08-09, 23:34
It will probably just mean you have had an infection or someting.. try not to worry easier said than done i know...My daughter's white blood cells were high in january and the doctor called me for an appointment i went out of my mind with worry thinkin it was luekemia but it turned out to be a water infection x

18-08-09, 23:39
can be caused by something so simple as a stuffy nose if there is any bacteria present, or a small infected cut somewhere., even infected acne can raise white blood cells.. very rarely is it something as serious as leukemia and leukemia would show up other markers in the bloods as well x

19-08-09, 12:14
Aw poor you , i think that was quite insensitive of your dr to say things like that when a high white count is a general symptom of many situations and conditions, gosh he really should have stopped at infection untill more tests had come back.........i would think anyway!!

I would actually think this dr could cause a bad case of HA in a non anxioous person!!!!
Hope your okay sweetie!!


19-08-09, 12:20
please dont worry

you are like in the circle of anxiety woth this news and you cant see the end to it.

There is no realistic reasons to worry yet.

19-08-09, 16:17
Hello everyone and thank you for your words of support. I spoke to the nurse this morning at my re-test who told me the report said my high count looked reactionary. I had to take a high course of steroids for an inflammation in May and I had that blood test 7 days into my course. I'm praying it was that affecting my cells.

The doctor said to me "we have been trying to contact you - have you not had any calls from the surgery" and then "you could have an infection, you could have an inflammation, or you could have Leukemia". The last bit sent me into a panic and It went a bit downhill from there. I came out in a bit of a state, walked home and broke down in front of my partner.

I kept asking him over and over have I got Leukemia and he was umming and aahhing looking at the screen and saying "hmmmm, its highly unlikely, but thats what we have to check out, I nearly had him by his shirt lapels, my jaw was on the floor and I said to him I cant believe what you are saying to me.

I presumed that because the doc had mentioned Leukemia and wanted the re-test done so quickly, that there was a high possibility that I might be seriously ill. I finally told my sister today and she said she had exactly the same thing about 8 months ago, and it was an infection. Ive had my test again and hopefully will find out tomorrow. Thanks for your opinion everyone. And good luck.xx