View Full Version : Stroke/TIA

18-08-09, 15:56

I went to the doctors 2 weeks ago, had a funny head sensation and also mentioned that i had experienced a heavy arm sensation in my right arm. As i had a stroke about 15 years ago when i was 19 due to taking the pill, he has referred me to the local TIA clinic for them to have a look at me.

Having a good day today and then I get a phone call from the TIA clinic asking me to come tomorrow for some tests, including ECG, Blood Tests, Chest Xray and Head CT. My HA has now kicked in big style and I am worried they will find something on my lung (cancer) or brain tumour/anerysm.

Find myself really scared and shaky now and dont know what to do


18-08-09, 16:05
Hi Amanda,

Its perfectly normal for your HA to be in overdrive at the moment considering your previous circumstances, but your doctor is just taking you seriously and want to make sure that everything is ok because of that.

The symptoms you are describing are very common anxiety symptoms, try your very best not to get yourself worked up and they just want to make sure that everything is in order because you had a stroke previously.

They have got you booked in quickly so you wont have to be waiting around locked in your head expecting the worst, try to be positive they are common anxiety symptoms but they need to make sure.

Good Luck and let us know how you get on xxx

20-08-09, 17:01
well, went to the TIA clinic at the hospital yesterday - wish i hadnt.

They are treated it as a mini stroke - have put me on meds and i have to have a lot of tests over the next couple of weeks.

I had 15 bottles of blood taken yesterday, and i am waiting for appts for an MRI, 48 hour heart monitor, and last by no means least a camera down my throat to look at my heart!

I am so scared - keep crying thinking im going to have a massive stroke any minute

Please help

20-08-09, 18:28
hi amanda im sure if they thought it was possible for you to have a massive stroke they would of taken you into hospital, they are doing the tests to rule everything out try to stay calm i know its easier said than done take care

20-08-09, 18:33
Hi Amanda

Your fear and acute anxiety right now is totally understandable, but they are giving you a through check over, you said that they are treating it as a mini stroke, but you dont say if that is confirmed. You mind is going into overdrive, as anyone even without health anxiety would do.I know it is not easy to try and be patient until all the tests are back, but if they thought there was any danger of you having a massive stroke they would be doing things a lot more urgently and you would be under a lot more observation. I know its easy for other people to say , and its different when its you..I wish there was something i could say that would help you right now, or change the way you feel, but there isnt. but you need to try and look after yourself and get your anxiety down as much as possible, it wont be doing you any good, but you already know that, all i can say is that
I will be thinking of you , and wish you well, let us know how you get on.

Pauline x:hugs:

21-08-09, 11:54
Thanks for the replies - am trying to stay positive but its very difficult - have stopped bursting into tears at last!

Just waiting for the tests now and have to go from there