View Full Version : Deaths In The family

07-10-05, 03:31
Hi Guys
We've just had 2 deaths in the family in the last 24 hrs. Not unexpected as they were both elderly but a shock all the same.
My prob is that my wifes response was "Thats 2 " meaning that things come in 3s and she's worried that the third will be her Mother.
You can all guess who I'm worried it will be.
Someone please tell me I'm being stupid.

Don't believe everything you think

07-10-05, 04:31
It's very important to do every thing you can to stay positive and/or distract your self.

when I lot my nana 3 year's ago I became very determined to make sure I live a happy life. If I could have the happiness of my nana then I would have a really good life.

If started a veg garden just to distract my self and remind my self how happy my nana was when she was in her garden.

I hope that you can focus on the positive's the more positive you can fous on the better you'll feel.

07-10-05, 13:49
Hi Phill

Sorry to hear about the loss in your family.

The saying that things come in 3s has been around for a long time.

Now the other month I won a quid on the scratch cards so I got another one and won 2 quite. [Wow!] I thought, things come in 3s, so I got antother one. Did I win, NO I never.
There are many things in life people say, like, buses, there never there when you want one, then 3 come all at once.
Walking under a ladder, bad luck, NO its not bad luck. It was only bad luck for the man who made this up because he was hit by a bucket or an object a couple of time's put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5. ( it must be bad luck to walk under a ladder.) [:P][:P][:P] There are many many others stupit things like this.

Its sad, but death comes to us all in our lifetime, it come in 1s, it comes in 2s, it comes in 3s, and sadly in may come more. But the truth is there is no such thing as things come in three's.
Someone somewhere made this up a long time ago.

You are not being stupid Phill, Its Mrs anxiety with her negative thoughts
try push this to one side and think positive.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

08-10-05, 01:13
Thanks Guys
I really like your way of thinking Jill

Don't believe everything you think.