View Full Version : Confused

18-08-09, 19:55
Ok i was watching a video on youtube about the new SAW ride at Thorpe Park, then at the end a bloke pops up and says roller coasters can be dangerous and cause brain damage ect ect. Well I have been on SAW the ride and other coasters before so now I'm scared i might have brain damage :( it seems you cant get enjoyment just by watching a clip on the internet without someone saying something about your health :(

18-08-09, 20:10

Firstly, i certainly don't think you have brain damage :-) If it was that dangerous and carried those risks surely it would not be allowed.

Perhaps the advert was being in tongue in cheek. I will have a watch.

Please don't worry though


18-08-09, 20:12

there is the clip :)

18-08-09, 20:19
OK just watched it. These kind of doctors/scientists throw up comments like this all the time.

but seriously have you ever heard of anyone having brain damage before? It would have to be so intensly researched.

Don't worry!