View Full Version : hello there, thank god i found this site!

18-08-09, 22:06
Hi there, I am so glad that I found this site, is horrible feeling isolated with anxiety and depression. Just reading the article on health anxiety made me feel so much better. Just started back on prozac 6 days ago, and beginning to feel a little better, not as anxious at all. Its hard for me as I dont have a partner or family, but do have 2 children who are 11 and 9.:flowers:

18-08-09, 22:16
Hi Hels and :welcome: to the mad house:roflmao:

Seriously tho you will get loads of support here....you are not alone any more:hugs:

Kaz x:D

18-08-09, 22:21
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of help and advice here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

19-08-09, 12:42
talking to people here helps me allot not to feel an outsider

hope it does the same to you

I suffer from GAD, and reactiver depression

take care