View Full Version : Hi Folks

Flying Badger
19-08-09, 02:58
Hi Folks.

I did register here back in 2006, but (naughty boy) I never got into the habbit of regular visits. Something I intend to do better at this time!

I have suffered with panic & anxiety for several years now. It's quite a long story, but it's fair to say that my first panic attack 'crept up on me' and was, at the time, quite unexpected.

After around 18 months of relative calm, the attacks returned with a vengence around 6 months ago. Not unexpected - Dad had his second major cancer operation in January, and whilst he was in hospital, Mum had a fairly major stroke. As I've yet to find work since the anxiety and ascociated depression cost my my job 6 years ago, I still live at home, and have essentially become a carer. In recent months, I've had the worst panic attacks I can remember, meaning a ride in an ambulance, a visit from paramedics after collapsing at a tram stop, and a couple of visits to casualty. Add to the problems trying to support a brother going through a divorce and (still undiagnosed after 18 months) chronic & severe renal pain, I guess it's no suprise that panic has reared it's ugly head again!

Anyhow, as this area is for introducing oneself, I can leave my grumbling until later!



P.S - if the admin staff are wondering why I am unable to use my former username, I have no idea what my old password was, and I have changed ISP more than once since then, so no longer have the same e-mail addy.