View Full Version : Reports ok but still anxiety

07-10-05, 10:16
Eeven if my reports are ok still I am anxious . I watch every change that happens in my body and connect with heart disease . It sounds strange why I cannot stop and relax .

A slight ache in left hand a some pull like sensation in the tooth (I dont know if my mind is overworking and making this all up ) .

Pain in the chest everything is so unreal and doctors say I am healthy .

Will this go away ? what is this ? why ?

07-10-05, 16:13
Hi sanjay

You are very sensitive to your body sensations because you are having Anxiety. I am the same but believe me if something was really wrong with your body it would be very obvious in many many ways.
Try to keep your mind busy at all times with hobbies ect and hopefully your symptoms will decrease.


22-11-05, 21:16
Hi Sanjay,

I am exactly like you are. Anything that I feel in my body, I automatically connect it with heart disease. I am always so scared and think that I am going to die at any minute. I have had 2 EKG's, blood test, chest x-ray, and a complete physical exam but my doctor says that my heart is fine. I keep thinking that the doctors are stupid and are not finding my true illness. I know it is hard, but I'm sure that we can do it. But the first step is to accept that it is only anxiety and not heart disease. If you have been checked by the doctor and he has given you a clean bill of health, then reassure yourself that you are fine. Let me know if you ever want to talk. Hope you find great support on this site. Sincerely,
