View Full Version : Hospitalisation due to panic

19-08-09, 09:10
Hi All,
I am just curious as to if any of you have been hospitalised due to your panic attacks.
I suffer with severe panic attacks - ranging between 2 a day to an attack that will last several days - and my doctor wants to put me in hospital in order for us to try and get them under control. I am terrified but am at wits end and don't see another way out.
Opinions? Advice? Suggestions? :shrug:
Thank you

19-08-09, 09:50
if i was you if that bad you can try they will make you feel better dont suffer:hugs:

19-08-09, 10:06
I have been hospitalised 2 times before

3 years ago.

I didnt know then that i had GAD
I didnt know anything about the symptoms either, i was simply confident that i will die instantly.

I definately have a better understanding of the mechanics of panic attacks, anxiety and depression, therefore I can manage without ER.
Snd anyway what they did - the sedated me heavily and i was a total zombie.

Though it can be different where you are and maybe your doctor will be able to help you more effectively once you inpatient. This depends on a medical system that is in your country.

Good luck anyway....

20-08-09, 22:38
Ive suffered with Panic/Anxiety for 12 years but i dont often get the one off attack, mine last up to 9 days and im unable to get out of bed. I was so ill as few years back that i made myself go to see my doctor (again) and beg for something to relax me. The minute i walked in he took one look at me and immediately rang the Psychiatrist at my local hospital and told her id be straight down. Can you imagine the fright and the panic rising!!! Anyways, she gave me a check over and asked loads of questions then said i was ok but just pop into the Emergency department so they can take some blood samples. I was on their bed for 4 hours waiting for my test results only be told by a nurse that they are keeping me in! In no way shape or form was i staying!! I discharged myself right away and went home. :D

22-08-09, 20:34
oh nooo :ohmy: what happens if my pschy on monday tried to keep me in, my panic attacks have been worse and im scared of him anyway :weep:

22-08-09, 20:59
Lonely - don't get yourself into a tizz about this - I am actually responding to you now from my hodpital bed. I have also been diagnosed with Bi- Polar as well as panic disorder so they are judt trying to stabilize me. You will be fine hun don't worry your pdoc can only help you! Keed me informed! Feel free to pm me or chat anytime! Lovels Mel

22-08-09, 21:08
Dear Mel I hope you begin to feel better soon. I re-read your post and couldn't begin to imagine that you would be admitted to hospital just for your panic attacks alone. In England the NHS would soon run out of beds. I hope that the doctors are able to stabilise the bi-polar aspect of your illness. I am not bi-polar although I take a mood stabiliser lithium which helps me a lot. It can be a little lonely on this forum as it is primarily for panic and anxiety.I know there are others on this forum who are bi-polar. I had a long chat with my psychiatrist recently who tried to convince me that I was not ( I am not convinced). Hopefully whilst you are in hospital they will equip you with the skills to deal with your panic attacks.

22-08-09, 21:58
i am not sure what the criteria is for being admitted to hospital? i have suffered with anxiety for over 12 years and had what i would call 3-4 breakdowns where i have felt terrible but still able to function in terms of getting up, putting my make up on, eating etc and going into hospital has never being mentioned to me. i am on antidepressants and currently going through another bad patch but getting through due to acceptance and self talk. i have a friend who is pregnant and has had terrible pre natal depression - couldn't get out of bed - couldn;t stop crying - her gp's weren't that interested to be honest and she has a toddler too.

i thought they only took you into hospital if you were a risk to yourself, literally could not function at all or had such severe symptoms that they could not be controlled by any other method?

22-08-09, 22:04
every time i see him, he says im getting closer to admission with the anorexia, but the anorexia is worse as im scared of him :weep: got to cope with the eating probelms which im really struggling with right now, panic attacks, anxiety and also that i self harm and in past gtook overdose which i nearly did thursday in end only taking one extra venlafaxine then should of
at home i enjoy my garden it keeps me going and my animals, but they say my healths being affected ie ECG reading are not normal showing slow beat, but nurse told me that venlafaxine and promazine have this side effect even though it is very rare, but psychiatrist, gp and therapist put it down to the anorexia nervosa

22-08-09, 22:12
hi lonely

sorry to hear you are stuggling - am i right in thinking that the anorexia is an attempted way to control anxiety? i would have thought that trusting and liking your psych is paramount in helping you get better - can you ask to see someone else? you need to stay strong and get healthier for your animals - they need you - hope you get the help you need x

22-08-09, 22:16
Well my attacks have definitelt escalated to the point where I. Am unable fuction and I also self harm. But since being here in the hodpital and dealing with a n new pdoc. :-)

22-08-09, 22:18
thanks not sure if i can change though, all of them are male which really doesn't help the situation :( as that is why i cannot talk to my psychiatrist and now my cpn is changing to longterm team and ive been given a male for that too, i told my gp but they said it would help me by seeing a male to get used to them, but i know it really won't it just makes me worse, i have my short term cpn coming with me on monday, im hoping i can rely on her to help me out and get them to maybe give me a female cpn in longterm team

22-08-09, 22:38
hi lonely and muggins - hope you both feel stronger soon x

23-08-09, 10:51
I have always wondered about being hospitalized, i`ve been to the emergency room loads of times with severe panic attacks, but if they offered me to book into a psychiatric hospital, i might take up that offer, the only thing that worries me, is here in the UK, you hear such horror stories from people who have been inside one, a few of my friends were sectioned at some points and all told me it was horrendous and they hated it. The worry about that makes me not want to go into one, but at the same time, i probably could do with the help. Its a vicious circle.