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07-10-05, 13:55
Hi all,
I could do with a bit of advice.

I am trying to apply for a totally different job than what I'm doing. I love the thought of working Monday - Friday, 9 - 5 instead of the silly shifts I work now, and the job sounds so interesting.

The problem is, I started off feeling good about myself giving it a go applying, until I asked my sister to have a look at the job spec and application form. I know that no one in their right mind is going to give me a job now, but I thought I would probably start thinking "What if......!" if I didn't give it a go.
My sister, who is normally supportive said "Is it really worth you going for this? You will just get stressed out all about this. Why don't you leave it? It sounds too much pressure for you to cope with."

I automatically took this to mean I am not good enough for any other job. I feel I am only in the job I'm doing now because they feel they owe me after I got injured a few years ago in work.
I was really hurt about what she said. I know she may not have meant it to come out the way it did, but I am wondering why I bother looking for a new job and think about getting a promotion somewhere. I want to be back to the way I was when I was good at my job and everyone had faith in me!

My boyfriend says he thinks I can do it, but now I'm not so sure.

I just feel like I don't want to bother about doing my best at work, and working hard in work as people think I'm rubbish at everything I do.

I am trying no to get upset about it all, but I'm just a bit sensitive at the moment and I thought I was doing so well.
I have done the application form, but I am now wondering whether to put it in.

Has anyone else got through feelings like this? Could do with some advice

07-10-05, 14:14
You can do anything you want to do in life... Let me tell you just a little story.....
Back in 2003 I went into my senior year of highschool..... I was really just in 11th grade. But all my friends were graduating ( I had gotten behind ) I wanted to graduate so bad with my friends. Everyone told me ( along with my family ) you cant do it, it will be to hard, you CANT DO IT.... well guess what? I graduated that year, with my friends. And you know how? Because I did not listen to the negative people telling me I could not.... I was stressed alot and depressed BUT never gave up.... and now I can proudly say. I did 2 years in 1 year. Just to accomplish what I wanted to do.

And you can too..... if you wanna apply for that job, GO FOR IT. It is your life and your the one who makes the decisions. Just remember my story. And remember U CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENETH YOU..... that was the verse that helped me... and it can help you too :) just believe in yourself. And no one can stand in your way ! ! ! good luck ;)


07-10-05, 15:04
hi looby,
It seems to me like a confidence issue. Everyone doubts themselves sometimes. It sure doesn't help when someone feeds that insecurity either - even if it wasn't on purpose. You say you would like the hours and the job seems interesting to you then GO FOR IT. I can't believe that anyone would keep someone on for YEARS due to the fact that they owe you. You must be making a contribution or you wouldn't still be at that job.

your friend,


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

07-10-05, 15:46

*I have done the application form, but I am now wondering whether to put it in.*

That is what interviews are for- for the applicant to decide whether the job is right for them and for the employers assess the candidates.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

07-10-05, 17:14
hi looby, go for it, give it a try, it might not go your way but nothing risked nothing gained and if nobody expects you to do ok, then you've nothing to lose. good luck .. tc andrew

07-10-05, 18:05
I agree, go for it and see what happens. Your sister probably didn't mean anything by it, she was probably trying to protect you. If she knows things like this get you stressed out she was probably just trying to save you the worry. I am sure she would be upset if she knew how much it got to you.

I hope you decide to give it a try, sounds like you could do with a change and I am sure you are very worthy of the position.

Good luck.

Tammy x

07-10-05, 18:59
Well I've almost gone and done it now, I've completed theform and am going to drop it off in the morning. My boyfriend is coming with me to make sure I hand it in! I don't know what gave him the idea that I wouldn't!!! (lol)

Thank you all, and I will try and hand it in tomorrow. I will keep you all updated! Fingers and everything else crossed, maybe the will be silly enough to offer me a job, but if not, I am sure there will be a lot of other jobs!

Thanks again!

07-10-05, 23:21
I think it is extreamly important to go after what you want in life dont let other people decide what you want or what you can handle in life. It may be a hard road to travel but I strongly beleiave if it's what you want for your self than going after it with plan will be the best thing you'll ever do for your self. Go for the job and if you dont get it then make a plan to get the right qualification to get that sort of job down the track.

You have the right to go after what will make you happy in the short run and the long run.

I beleive in fate and we had the several time's when my parnter and I discussed him going to tafe for higher education to get a job he would enjoy. The last event that triggered me to push my partner in to finaly going for what he wanted was the best thing ever for my whole family despite my mum and sister really having a go a us for our choice.

My partner and I both lost are job's at one stage. After 6 mth of having no job and listen to the people around me telling my partner just to get another boring job that will at least get money comeing back in to house althought not much more I decide to ignore everyone's negativeness. My I convinced my partner finaly after years's of trying to go back to tafe and get a certifcate in IT cause I new it would make him happy and I wanted him to happy with what he was doing and make money at the same time. After 2 year's tafe and 3 year's of struggling with money which was hard but the best thing we ever did. It's been over 2 year's now and Life would never have gotten this happy and this good if we had never done what we did. I was suffering depression at the time of the job loss and despite our situation for 3 year's I managaed to pull threw it way before we were on our feet again. I'm still suffering from anxiety but my next aim is to get a job that i will enjoy as well.

A big part of getting over anxiety is to go after what you want and dont give in to your fear while your doing it. It may take you longer than the adverage person to get to where you want to go. No matter how long it take you to get the job you want try to keep your aim clear in your head if you keep your aim clear you will get every thing you want and more.

08-10-05, 05:12
Good luck with it Looby! Well done for going for it.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-10-05, 14:27
again, thank you so much for taking the time to write a reply to me.
Well I've done it, I dropped the form off this morning!
So there, no going back now, so I will just wait for the "Thank you very much for you application. Unfortunately....."

Thanks again all, but I think I need a good kick up my backside!


24-10-05, 21:09
I know exactly what its like to be unemployed and wondering whether I should apply for jobs i've got application forms for.

Sometimes i give up hope of finding work :(cos I've been unemployed since early last year.

I realise now that Employers are looking for someone that hasn't got alot of gaps in employment like i have.

I don't know what to do anymore and its making me feel depressed.

Telesales is what i've mainly done but i'd like to try something different.

24-10-05, 23:24
Hi Rabbit25

Sorry to hear you are experiencing difficulty finding work.

Have you considered doing a course or some kind of training while you continue looking. Perhaps this could be a way of working towards the kind of work you would ideally like to be doing.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-10-05, 23:25
Good luck Looby.

Rabbit - maybe you could do some voluntary work or a course in something? That way it will show employers that you have been doing something while out of work and it may even improve your employment options. Just an idea.

24-10-05, 23:26
Karen I posted that at the same time as you! great minds think alike lol

24-10-05, 23:50
Volunteering ... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3767)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?